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August 29, 2011

[SSJ: 6827] Re: Noda elected DPJ President

From: Knittel, Siegfried
Date: 2011/08/29

It was interesting to see Saturday at the Joint Press Conference how Kaieda felt the pressure of the questions about his relations to Ozawa.

On the other side it was disappointing that nobody asked Mr.Noda about his comments about the A-Class War Criminals.

And Maehara is not a man who really follows any political agenda. He likes to take a strong position but gives upe if there is some resistance.

So Kan was still the better premier, he made mistakes but his main failure was he could not sell his policy to the public. See the interview with Richard Samuel at NBR and the mail of Rodney Armstrong at NBR Forum.

Siegfried Knittel

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