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August 2, 2011

[SSJ: 6790] Age profile of politicians

From: Purnendra Jain
Date: 2011/08/02

In response to Jun Okumura's observation

"Is there any country other than Japan and China where any politician under 60 is seen as someone whose best years have yet to come?"

India is another example. The average age of current cabinet members led by Mr Manmohan Singh (who himself is 78) is over 60. 14 ministers in the cabinet are in their 70s - the foreign minister is close to 80. Can you beat India whose half of population is below 35 years and yet most cabinet members are in their 60s and 70s? Is this something cultural, typical to Asian countries?

Professor Purnendra JAIN
President, Asian Studies Association
of Australia
Centre for Asian Studies
North Terrace, Ligertwood, Level 5
The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA

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