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July 8, 2011

[SSJ: 6750] Bilingual version of Quakebook

From: David H. Slater
Date: 2011/07/08

The editors of Quakebook has asked me to announce this to those who might be interested in using it in their classes. This bilingual version might be interesting to use is a variety of contexts. They write:

I'm very happy to tell you that Quakebook is now a gorgeous full-color bilingual book from Goken Publishing and will soon to be available in an English-only edition, too.

I understand that they are offering a 20% discount for books bought in quantity. I don't know if they have a further educational discount. They are generously donating all proceeds after essential costs to the Japan Red Cross.

Mr. Tamio Okumura is the bilingual editor and publisher who is working with us at Goken. His email isokmr_t@mac.com.

For those abroad, you can also order it through Amazon, but not yet in bilingual or Japanese, I think.


David H. Slater, Ph.D.
Faculty of Liberal Arts
Sophia University, Tokyo

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