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June 27, 2011
[SSJ: 6731] Postgraduate Part-Time Teaching Position at Sophia University
From: Koichi Nakano
Date: 2011/06/27
The MA program in Global Studies, the Graduate Program in Global Studies, Sophia University, seeks applications for a non-tenured, part-time (hijokin) instructor for its "Diplomatic History" course for autumn semester 2011. The successful candidate will teach selected themes in modern diplomatic history, employing specific case studies of the instructor's choice to MA students in Global Studies. We welcome applications from history, but also from international relations and related social science disciplines.
The course is to be offered in English to a diverse group of MA students in a seminar setting (rather than lecture). The semester will begin on September 30 and end on February 1. Two 90-minutes seminars per week (either on Mondays and Thursdays, or on Tuesdays and Fridays) or one 180-minutes seminar per week (any weekday) for 14 weeks (plus 1 exam week) will be the class format. Applicants would have a Ph.D., or equivalent work/research experience in the field. Pay is competitive with other universities for part-time teaching in Japan.
The Graduate Program in Global Studies is a leading institution of global studies in Japan that offers all courses in English. It was a recipient of a 5-year 21 Century "COE" ("Center of Excellence") grant by the Ministry of Education (2002-2006) in recognition of excellence in research and graduate education. Originally established as the Graduate Program in Comparative Culture, it was reorganized as the Graduate Program in Global Studies, at the same time as it moved to the main Yotsuya campus in April 2006. Please refer to our home page for more details about the faculty:
Candidates are asked to email their brief CV and sample course syllabus to Prof. Koichi Nakano
(knakano@sophia.ac.jp) by July 11, 2011.
Approved by ssjmod at 03:07 PM