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June 8, 2011

[SSJ: 6709] Job opening: Lecturer in Japanese Studies, Sheffield

From: Harald Conrad
Date: 2011/06/08

Dear Colleagues

Please note the following job opening for a Lecturer in Japanese Studies in Sheffield:

The School of East Asian Studies' mission is to provide internationally recognised research and high quality research-informed teaching on the societies and languages of East Asia, with a special emphasis on the three nations of Korea, China, and Japan. The School's focus on social science disciplines and contemporary issues in East Asia are distinctive features of its work. The School was ranked first amongst East Asian Studies departments in the UK in the annual National Student Survey in 2007 and again in 2009.

This is an opportunity for a scholar with a developing publication record and proven teaching ability to join one of the major centres for East Asian Studies in Europe. You will play a key role in delivering the School's research and teaching agenda by devising, developing and delivering undergraduate and postgraduate modules. Specifically, you will make a substantial contribution to modules on current social and economic issues, including gender and minority aspects.
We particularly welcome applicants with a strong disciplinary grounding in the Social Sciences, who can conduct research in both Japanese and English to maintain and enhance the School's international research representation.

Please see the website of our HR department for further


With best wishes

Harald Conrad

Dr Harald Conrad
Sasakawa Lecturer in Japan's Economy and Management School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield Research Cluster Director (Business, Political Economy and Development) White Rose East Asia Centre, National Institute of Japanese Studies
6/8 Shearwood Road
University of Sheffield,
Sheffield S10 2TD
United Kingdom
Tel: (0)114-222-8431
Fax: (0)114 -222-8432
School of East Asian Studies:
http://www.shef.ac.uk/seas/ White Rose East Asia
Centre: http://www.wreac.org/

Editor, Japan Forum

Please take a look at my latest and forthcoming

Article: Economic System and Welfare Regime Dynamics in Japan Since the Early 2000s - The Case of Occupational Pensions, forthcoming in Journal of Social Policy,

Article: Change and Continuity in Japanese Employment
Practices: The Case of Occupational Pensions since the Early 2000s, International Journal of Human Resource Management http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content+AH4-db+AD0-all

Article: From Seniority to Performance Principle: The Evolution of Pay Practices in Japanese Firms since the 1990s, Social Science Japan Journal, 13(1)

Book: Human Resource Management in Ageing Societies:

Book: The Demographic Challenge: A Handbook about

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