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November 24, 2010

[SSJ: 6443] announcement

From: Helene Le Bail
Date: 2010/11/24

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

This is an announcement of the next Lunch Seminar on Japanese Economy and Society, organized by the team of our French Research Institute Abroad (UMIFRE 19 CNRS-MAE) which is based at Maison Franco Japonaise.

Date and Time : Monday, December 20, 2010, from 12:30PM to 2PM Place : Maison franco-japonaise, room 601 (6th floor)

Theme : "Prospects of Reforming Migration Policy in Japan : New Proposals"

Speaker : IGUCHI Yasushi (professor and Dr. of Economics, Director of the Research Institute for Economies with Low Fertility, Kwansei Gakuin

Discussant : Helene Le Bail (French Research Institute Abroad UMIFRE 19

For further information, please see attached file.

To attend this seminar, please register by mail to mikasa@mfj.gr.jp or by fax to +81 (0)3 5421 7651 specifying your:
Name| Company or institution | Position | Address |Phone | E-mail

We are sending this announcement to all the people who are used to come to this seminar or who have said their interest in it. In case you prefer not to receive it let us know.

Hélène Le Bail
Institut de recherche de la Maison franco-japonaise French Research Institute Abroad at MFJ http://www.mfj.gr.jp/

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