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January 2, 2025
Reminder: FCCJ Book Break. December 9, 2024. 17:45. Ulrike Schaede, author of "Japan Re-Emerges"
From: FCCJ LIBRARY <library@fccj.or.jp>
Date: 2024/11/28
Reminder: The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan (FCCJ) Library is pleased to announce the upcoming Book Break event on Monday, December 9, 2024.
Book Break: Japan Re-Emerges (シン・日本の経営:悲観バイアスを排す)
By Ulrike Schaede
Monday, December 9, 2024, from 5:45 pm to 8:30 pm
(The talk will be in English)
Please sign up by email (front@fccj.or.jp) and pay by Wednesday, December 4, 2024.
3,000 yen for members, 4,000 yen for non-members.
550 yen (Online attendance via zoom)
No cancellations after Friday,December 6.
Doors open at 5:45 pm with a casual "meet the author: cocktail time"
Dinner will be served from 6:30 pm.
The talk begins at 7:15 pm.
Mexican Salad, Sautéed Salmon Mushroom Mustard Sauce, Bread, Today's Dessert, Coffee/Tea and One beverage of choice (orange juice, oolong tea, red or white wine, beer).
A vegetarian option is available, please inform the club of food restrictions when reserving.
The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan
5F Marunouchi Nijubashi Building
3-2-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005
After 30 years of dismal macro-economic news, how is Japan still a technology leader and ranking among the largest world economies? To solve this puzzle, we need to descend to the firm level and look at how Japan's most successful companies have transformed over this period. These frontrunners have pivoted away from diversified conglomerates with ill-defined goals, toward much more focused and nimble competitors at the innovation frontier. By moving upstream in global value chains in areas such as advanced materials, components and precision machinery, they have adopted a "Japan Inside" strategy. This is difficult to see but all the more powerful, because it anchors many of Northeast Asia's supply chains. Schaede's recent bestseller シン・日本の経営:悲観バイアスを排す (Shin Nihon no Keiei: Hikan Bias o Haisu, Nikkei Business Publications, 2024) will be published in English as Japan-Emerges later this year.
Ulrike Schaede is Professor of Japanese Business at the University of California San Diego, School of Global Policy and Strategy (GPS). She is the Director of JFIT (Japan Forum for Innovation and Technology), and organizes a regular "Japan Zoominar" on current issues onJapan. Her research focuses on Japanese business strategies, management and employment practices, corporate culture, financial markets, and innovation. Her book The Business Reinvention of Japan (Stanford University Press, 2020) won the 37th Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prizes (The Japanese edition is 再興 THE KAISHA 日本のビジネス・リインベンション, published by Nikkei BP, 2022).
Schaede holds a PhD in Japan Studies and Economics from Marburg University, Germany, and has been invited to visiting professor positions at many universities in the U.S. and Japan, as well as the research institutes of the Bank of Japan, METI, MOF, and DBJ. All told, she has spent over nine years of research in Tokyo.
Doors open at 5:45pm with a casual "meet the author/cocktail time" from 6:00pm. Dinner will be served from 6:30pm and the talk begins at 7:15pm. The menu is Mexican Salad, Sautéed Salmon Mushroom Mustard Sauce, Bread, Today's Dessert, Coffee/Tea and One beverage of choice (orange juice, oolong tea, red or white wine, beer). A vegetarian option is available. Please inform the club of food restrictions when reserving. Price: 3,000 yen for members, 4,000 yen for non-members.
The member reservation deadline is 2 pm December 9, non-members must reserve and pay by Wednesday, December 4, 2024.
Online attendance (Zoom) is available by reservation at 550 yen per person.
No cancellations after Friday, December 6.
著書『The Business Reinvention of Japan』(スタンフォード大学出版、 2020年)は、第37回大平正芳記念賞を受賞(『再興 THE KAISHA: 日本のビジネス・リインベンション』(日経BP, 2022年)している。
午後5時45分 開場
午後6時 "meet the author/cocktail time"(略式)。
午後6時半 お食事開始
午後7時15分 開会
午後8時30分 閉会
午後9時 閉場
Library, Archives & Workroom Committee
The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan (FCCJ)
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