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January 31, 2025

January 16 Free Lecture at Lakeland University Japan: "Diversity and Human Rights in Japan: The View of a Japanese LGBTQ+ Activist Doctor"

From: Roger Grabowski <grabowski@japan.lakeland.edu>  
Date: 2025/01/06

"Diversity and Human Rights in Japan: The View of a Japanese LGBTQ+ Activist Doctor", presented by Dr. Eriko Yoshida

This lecture (in English) will be held Thursday, January 16 at 7:00 PM at Lakeland University in Ryogoku, Tokyo. It will also be streamed via Zoom.

In Japan it can be quite difficult for LGBTQ people to come out. Why is it so difficult to come out, even though there are no laws against homosexuality? Compared to other countries, Japan also has a very wide gender gap in politics and the economy. In North America, guidelines for medical education on LGBTQ issues were published in 2014, although in Japan, there were almost no opportunities for medical education on LGBTQ issues until very recently. Where does this gap come from? Please join us as we listen to Dr. Yoshida's experiences as a doctor, activist, and member of the LGBT community, and consider issues of diversity and human rights together.


Dr. Eriko Yoshida works as a doctor at a hospital in Kawasaki City. She came out as bisexual and non-binary and is dedicated to raising awareness among medical professionals about LGBTQ issues. In her studies for her Doctor of Medicine degree, she researched Japanese medical education on LGBTQ issues. Dr. Yoshida has edited and published two Japanese textbooks on LGBTQ healthcare for medical professionals.


-To attend the event in person, there is no need to register. For a map and directions to Lakeland's Ryogoku campus, see our website: https://luj.lakeland.edu/contact

--To join on Zoom, please register here (before 5PM on the day of the event). You will be emailed a link that afternoon



Roger Grabowski, Jr.

Assistant Professor of General Studies

Lakeland University Japan

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