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January 15, 2025
DIJ WS Imagined Futures in Japan & Beyond (Oct 2024) | First Batch of Recordings Now on Youtube
From: Nicole Müller <mueller@dijtokyo.org>
Date: 2024/12/20
Dear List (- apologies for crossposting -),
As we are rapidly approaching the end-of-year festivities, we are happy to announce that the first batch of video recordings from our international workshop ‚Imagined Futures in Japan & Beyond' (October 09 to 11, 2024), which has been co-organized and sponsored by the German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ) Tokyo and the German Centre for Research and Innovation (DWIH) Tokyo, is now available on youtube.
Please head over to the DIJ youtube channel and take a look for yourselves: https://www.youtube.com/@DIJTokyo
For now, the following recordings are available:
Fritz Breithaupt (Indiana University Bloomington): „Future Narratives - Why They Matter"
Hirotaka Ōsawa (Keio University Tokyo): „Science Fiction Prototyping Trends in Japan"
(both part of the DIJ Forum event „Why Futuristic Imaginations Matter" on October 09, 2024)
Shun Kubota (CEO, MoguraVR): „Japan's Virtual Scene"
Shingo Meguro (R&D Director, Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc.): „XR Imaginaries in Japanese Advertising"
(both part of the practitioners' session „XR spotlights from Japan" on October 10, 2024)
We will roll out the remaining recordings in January, so please enjoy this early end-of-year present as a small thank you for all the interest and support you have shown the ‚Imagined Futures' workshop - and stay tuned for more!
Warm greetings from Tokyo and happy holidays!
-- Dr. Nicole M. Mueller German Institute for Japanese Studies Jōchi Kioizaka Bldg. 2F 7-1 Kioichō Chiyoda-ku, Tōkyō 102-0094 Tel.: +81-3-3222-5740
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