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January 4, 2025
CFP: 'Re-examining Japan's Cold War' Conference II, 20 February, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
From: FRENCH THOMAS W <french@fc.ritsumei.ac.jp>
Date: 2024/12/16
Dear Colleagues,
The following conference may be of interest to those working on Cold War / Japan related topics:
CFP: 'Re-examining Japan's Cold War' Conference II, 20 February, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
The coming years are marked by a number of notable anniversaries including those of the end of the Second World War, the beginning of the Occupation of Japan, and of various other events and crises judged to have caused, catalysed, or contributed to, the onset of the Cold War. Current events such as Russian invasion of Ukraine and the rise in tensions between China and the United States are also re-shaping and re-invigorating the study of the origins, nature, and legacies of the Cold War.
Within this context, this conference, supported by Ritsumeikan University's International Collaborative Research Program, seeks to re-examine Japan's role within the Cold War. Although the core focus of the conference is on diplomatic, military, and political history, paper proposals on other aspects of Japan's Cold War experience, such as social, cultural, or conceptual history are welcome. Papers examining regional themes or events connected to Japan are also welcome.
Individual papers will be arranged into thematic panels by the conference organisers. Dedicated panels will also be provided for PhD students and early career scholars.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Internal and external manifestations of Japan's Cold Wars
- Cold War influences on Japan's domestic politics
- The influence of war and occupation within Japan's Cold War experience
- Japanese involvement in US strategy and policy in East Asia
- Japan's Cold War policy and strategy
- Cold War dimensions of the internal security policy / history of Japan
- Intelligence activities relating to, conducted within or by Japan
- Anti-base / anti-US protest movements
- Japan's relations with the superpowers
- Cold War influences on Japan's relations with other states
- Regional Cold War event's influence on/ links to Japan
- Identity and Japan's Cold War
- Cultural and societal influences of the Cold War on Japan
- Transwar and Cold War connections in Japan
Date: February 20, 2025
Venue: Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
Dicounted off campus accommodation may be offered, subject to availability.
Please send individual paper abstracts of 250 words and with a short presenter biography to the Conference Chair, Dr. Tom French via:
Deadline: 10 January 2025, 5pm JST
Many thanks,
T French
Vice Dean, American University - Ritsumeikan University Joint Degree Program
副学部長(アメリカン大学・立命館大学 ジョイント・ディグリー・プログラム担当)
Associate Professor of Modern Japanese History
准教授 (近代日本史)
College of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University
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