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December 18, 2024
(Nov. 22) Symposium: Japan-Sweden relationship in a shifting era: Exploring common interests and opportunities following the 2024 elections
From: Akira Igata <igata@ip.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
Date: 2024/11/16
Dear All:
The Economic Security Research Program (ESRP) at The Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo and The Swedish National China Centre (NKK) and The Asia Programme at The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) will co-host a symposium titled "Japan-Sweden Relationship in a shifting era: Exploring common interests and opportunities following the 2024 elections."
The Economic Security Research Program (ESRP) at The Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo and The Swedish National China Centre (NKK) and The Asia Programme at The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) will co-host a symposium titled "Japan-Sweden Relationship in a shifting era: Exploring common interests and opportunities following the 2024 elections."
This symposium will bring together Swedish and Japanese experts on security and economic issues to discuss: (1) How Sweden and Japan perceives the impact of various elections that have taken place in 2024 and the increasing coordination between China and Russia; (2) How Sweden and Japan are responding to the rise of China; and (3) Comparative approaches towards de-risking between Europe and Japan.
Date: 22 November 2024
Time: 14:00-17:00 (Registration begins at 13:15)
Language: English
Place: ENEOS Hall, Building #3-S, Komaba II Campus, RCAST, The University of Tokyo (4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8904 JAPAN)
*Please note that the conference room is located on the Komaba "II" campus, not the "I" campus.
Time: 14:00-17:00 (Registration begins at 13:15)
Language: English
Place: ENEOS Hall, Building #3-S, Komaba II Campus, RCAST, The University of Tokyo (4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8904 JAPAN)
*Please note that the conference room is located on the Komaba "II" campus, not the "I" campus.
14:00 - 14:30 Opening Remarks
15:30 - 16:10 Session 2: Responses to a rising China: Security implications for the Indo-Pacific
- Akira Igata (Project Lecturer, RCAST, The University of Tokyo)
- H.E. Viktoria Li (Ambassador, Embassy of Sweden in Tokyo)
- Björn Jerdén (Director, Swedish National China Centre (NKK), The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI))
- Åsa Malmström Rognes (Head of the Asia Program, UI)
- Björn Jerdén (Director, NKK, UI)
- Ryo Nakai (Professor, RCAST, The University of Tokyo)
- [Moderator] Yee Kuang Heng (Professor, GraSPP, The University of Tokyo)
15:30 - 16:10 Session 2: Responses to a rising China: Security implications for the Indo-Pacific
- Lisa Zhang (Analyst, NKK, UI)
- Antoine Roth (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Tohoku University)
- [Moderator] Victor Ferguson (JSPS Post-doctoral Fellow, RCAST, The University of Tokyo)
- Hillevi Pårup (Analyst, NKK, UI)
- Akira Igata (Project Lecturer, RCAST, The University of Tokyo)
- [Moderator] Åsa Malmström Rognes (Head of the Asia Program, UI)
【Registration form】
Please see the attached file for details regarding UI, Swedish National China Centre (NKK), and the Asia Programme.
The coffee break in-between will serve as a quick networking session among the panelists and the audience members.
I will take plenty of time for Q&A - looking forward to seeing you all there!
Best Regards,
Akira Igata
Project Lecturer,
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology,
The University of Tokyo
Tel: 080-7888-2435
Approved by ssjmod at 06:20 PM