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November 23, 2024
"Multicultural Education Nexus: Immigration, Ethnic Enclaves, and Stratification" Sophia University ICC on Nov. 29
From: Il Ju Kim <ilju.kim@gmail.com>
Date: 2024/11/06
Nov. 29, 2024 / 17:30-19:00
Room 301, Building 10, Sophia University
In person only / No registration requiredhttps://www.icc-
This study addresses the challenges of multicultural education in South Korea (hereafter "Korea") in light of the recent trends in formations of migrant populations and ethnic enclaves. The limited types of migrants allowed to work and settle in Korea contributed to occupational segregation and hyper ethnic concentrations in certain neighborhoods, thus adding to the challenges of developing and implementing multicultural education. The combined forces of occupational stratification, the lack of adequate political rights and limited economic viability, and the ethnic concentration of neighborhoods are contributing to an increasing social stigmatization of migrant-background populations and posing unique challenges for multicultural educators. Using ethnographic fieldwork and narratives of multicultural Janhaksas (
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