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November 27, 2024
Event announcement: Two talks on skilled migration to Japan, Dr. Muranaka and Dr. Hof, at Doshisha University on Nov. 23rd, 1pm-3:30pm
From: Helena Hof <hof.helena@gmail.com>
Date: 2024/11/11
Dear all,
We would like to invite you to the upcoming public event of Multiculturalism and Intersectionality in Complex Cities (MICCS)at Doshisha University on 23 November 2024, featuring two talks of the collaborative research project 'Qualification and Skill in the Migration Process of Foreign Workers in Asia (QuaMaFA).' Dr. Helena Hof (University of Zurich / Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity) will present on "Migrant Founders in the Japanese Startup Ecosystem: The Opportunities and Risks of Deviant Entrepreneurship", followed by Dr. Aimi Muranaka's presentation "Staying as a Stepping-Stone for Upward Career Mobility? Study on the (Im)Mobilities of Vietnamese Skilled Migrants in the IT Sector in Japan". After the two talks, there will be dedicated time for questions and answers. The event is organized by the Working Group on the Migration and Ethnicity (移民・エスニシティ) by Prof. Minori Matsutani, Otemon Gakuin University.
DATE: Saturday, 23nd November
TIME: 13:00-15:30
LOCATION: Room 105 (1st floor) at Building Ryoshin-kan (良心館), Doshisha University
REGISTRATION IS MANDATORY. Please register via this link by Friday, November 22nd.
The presented project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Dr. Helena Hof
Senior Research and Teaching Fellow
University of Zurich / Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity
Recent publications:
Hof, Helena, Aimi Muranaka, and Joohyun Justine Park. 2024. "Employment as an anchor: The prospects of emerging East Asian skilled migration regimes through the lens of migrants' access to the labor market." Asia and Pacific Migration Journal. DOI: 10.1177/01171968241292376.
Hof, Helena. Forthcoming. "Pushing Social Norms: Foreign Entrepreneurs Fueling Japan's Innovation?» Contemporary Japan. DOI 10.1080/18692729.2024.2423969.
Hof, Helena and Jaafar Alloul. 2023. Migratory class-making in global Asian cities: The European mobile middle negotiating ambivalent privilege in Tokyo, Singapore, and Dubai. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2271669
Hof, Helena. 2022. The-EU-Migrant-Generation-in-Asia. Bristol University Press.
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