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October 16, 2024

Room change for "Company Retreat" Oct 18th, Sophia University

From: David H. Slater <dhslater@gmail.com>
Date: 2024/10/11

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture invites you to a special event
(Japanese below) 

Film Screening of "Company Retreat" (w/English subtitles) 
with discussion with the director, Atsushi Funahashi and the actress Saki Hirai, and Dr. Machiko Osawa (Nihon Women's University)

Date: 18th October 2024
Place: Auditorium, Bldg. 10 Sophia U. Yotsuya Campus

Event Outline:
17:00 Open the venue
17:30 Event starts with welcome greeting by Prof. David Slater
17:32 Introduction of the film and guests by Dr. Maiko Kodaka
17:35 - 19:50 Film showing (135 minutes)
19:50 5 mins break
19:55 Comment by Prof. Machiko Osawa on NHK's sexual violence survey
20:00 Discussion with the director Atsushi Funahashi and the actor Saki Hirai
20:40 Q & A with Audience
21:00 Event finishes
(The presentations will be in Japanese with questions in English welcome)

Event Description
"Company Retreat (ある職場)" is a film based on a real-life sexual harassment case, addressing gender inequality in Japanese society. After a sexual harassment incident in the workplace, employees decided to take a company retreat. However, the trip--originally intended to revitalize bonds among employees--reveals the complex human relationships and mixed feelings surrounding the case. By showcasing these complex dynamics, the film offers a lens into what is really happening in Japanese society. © BIG RIVER FILMS 

No registration required/Free of charge
Sophia University ICC: https://www.icc-sophia.com/

Director: Atsushi Funahashi - Filmmaker
After graduating from the University of Tokyo, Funahashi studied film production in New York. His debut film, "echoes" (2001), won the Special Jury Prize and Audience Award at the Annonay International Film Festival. His second film, "Big River" (2006, starring Joe Odagiri), premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival, Busan International Film Festival, and other festivals. His 2012 film "Nuclear Nation" (depicting the Fukushima nuclear disaster) had its world premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival, where he appeared alongside the film's composer, Ryuichi Sakamoto. The film raised awareness of Fukushima's dire situation to the world and was subsequently released in more than 40 countries. In 2013, his melodrama "Cold Bloom" (starring Asami Usuda and Takahiro Miura) achieved the remarkable feat of being invited to the Berlin International Film Festival for the fifth consecutive time. His Japan-US-Portugal co-production "Lovers on Borders" (2018) earned Tasuku Emoto the Kinema Junpo Best Actor Award. His previous work, "Company Retreat" (2020), which questions gender inequality in Japan, was selected for the 2020 Tokyo International Film Festival, and his latest film, "The Burden of the Past", which depicts the struggles of former prisoners in a self-responsibility society, is currently being shown nationwide. Additionally, he serves as the Vice President of action4cinema (led by Hirokazu Kore-eda and Nobuhiro Suwa), an organization advocating for structural reform in the film industry, the prevention of harassment in the industry, and improvements to labor conditions and gender issues.

Starring: Saki Hirai - Actress
Born on March 11, 1993, in Osaka Prefecture. She made her debut in the film "The Hungry Lion" (2018, directed by Takomi Ogata), which won numerous awards at international film festivals. She was selected as a finalist for Miss iD 2018 and has since been active as an actress and model, focusing on films, dramas, and other media. Her starring film "Company Retreat" (2020, directed by Atsushi Funahashi) premiered at the 2020 Tokyo International Film Festival, followed by a nationwide release, and continues to receive invitations to various events. Her notable works include the films "Company Retreat", "The Burden of the Past" (2023, directed by Atsushi Funahashi), " Visitors-Complete Edition-" (2024, directed by Kenichi Ugana), the drama "Omimi ni Aimashitara" (2021, directed by Kenji Matsuura), and the stage play "Arishi hi, Gakusha" (2023, directed by Jun Minatoya). As a model, she has collaborated with photographer Nagi Matsuda for six consecutive years, producing works annually, and has also held photo exhibitions.

Machiko Osawa (Professor Emeritus)  Japan Women's University, 
Dr. Osawa earned a Ph. D in Economics at Southern Illinois University (1984), was a researcher at Columbia University's Center for the Social Sciences (1980-84), then received a Hewlett Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Chicago (1984-1986) and from 1986-87 was an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. After returning to Japan, she was chief researcher at the Japan Institute of Labour (1987-1990), taught at Asia University (1990-1996), and subsequently became Professor in the Department of Integrated Social Sciences at Japan Women's University (JWU) where she taught for 25 years until retiring in 2021. During that time, she was the Director of the Research Institute for Women and Careers at JWU. Her area of expertise is labor economics. Some of her major works include Economic Change and Women's Work: Japan-U.S. Comparison (Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha, 1993), Toward a Work-Life Balance Society (Iwanami, 2006) Working Poor in Japan (Iwanami, 2010) Why Can't Women Thrive in Japan? (Toyo Keizai Shinposha, 2015), and Towards a Society Where Women Can Ask for Help: Sexual Violence and Gender Inequality (Nishinihon Shuppansha, 2023).

This event is organized by Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture based Abe/SSRC project "Consent" in Sexual Violence: Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Japan and the US.

Organizers: David H. Slater (Professor, Sophia University) and Dr. Maiko Kodaka (ICC Collaborative Researcher).


舩橋淳 監督・主演 平井早紀・大沢真知子(日本女子大学名誉教授)トークショー


17:00 開場
17:30 開演の挨拶(デビッド・スレーター教授)
17:32 映画の紹介・ゲストの説明(小高)
17:35 - 19:50 映画上映(上映時間135分)
19:50  5分休憩
19:55 大沢教授によるNHK性暴力調査報告
20:00 舩橋監督・平井早紀氏によるトークセッション
20:40 質疑応答
21:00 閉演




監督 舩橋 淳
東京大学卒業後、ニューヨークで映画制作を学ぶ。第一作『echoes』(2001)がアノネー国際映画祭で審査員特別賞・観客賞。第二作『Big River』(2006、主演オダギリジョー)はベルリン国際映画祭、釜山国際映画祭等でプレミア上映された。2012年福島原発事故を描いた「フタバから遠く離れて」は、ベルリン国際映画祭でワールドプレミア、音楽を担当した坂本龍一とともに登壇。世界に向けフクシマの窮状を訴え、その後世界40カ国以上で公開された。2013年メロドラマ『桜並木の満開の下に』(主演:臼田あさ美、三浦貴大)はベルリン国際映画祭へ5作連続招待の快挙。日米葡合作「ポルトの恋人たち 時の記憶」(2018)では、主演柄本佑がキネマ旬報最優秀男優賞。日本のジェンダー不平等を問いかける前作「ある職場」(2020)は東京国際映画祭2020に選ばれ、自己責任社会での元受刑者の生きづらさを描いた最新作「過去負う者」とともに全国で公開中。また、映画業界の構造改革を訴えかける団体・日本版CNC設立を求める会 action4cinema(代表:是枝裕和、諏訪敦彦)の副代表として、映画業界のハラスメント防止、労働環境やジェンダー問題の改善に取り組んでいる。 HP: www.atsushifunahashi.com

主演 平井早紀
国際映画祭で数々の賞を受賞した映画『飢えたライオン』(2018/緒方貴臣監督)でデビュー。『ミスiD 2018ファイナリスト』に選出され、映画・ドラマ等、俳優・モデルを中心に活動している。主演映画『ある職場』(2020/舩橋淳監督)は2020年東京国際映画祭にてプレミア上映、全国上映を経て、現在もイベントへの招待を受け続けている。

大沢真知子 日本女子大学名誉教授  
南イリノイ大学経済学部博士課程修了。Ph. D(経済学)1984。コロンビア大学社会科学研究センター研究員 (1980~84) 、シカゴ大学ヒューレットフェロー(1984~1986)ミシガン大学ディアボーン校助教授(1986~87)日本労働協会(現日本労働政策研究・研修機構)主任研究員(1987~1990)亜細亜大学助教授・教授(1990~96)を経て2021年3月31日まで日本女子大学人間社会学部現代社会学科教授。同現代女性キャリア研究所所長(2013~2021)。専門は労働経済学。主な著書は『経済変化女子労働:日米の比較研究』(日本経済評論社、19933)『ワークライフバランス社会へ』(岩波書店,2008)『ワーキングプアの本質』(岩波書店、2010)『女性はなぜ活躍できないのか』(東洋経済新報社、2015)『「助けて」と言える社会へー性暴力と男女不平等社会』など。

このイベントは上智大学比較文化研究所 安倍フェローシップ・米国社会科学研究評議会(SSRC)プロジェクト " Consent" in Sexual Violence: Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Japan and the USの企画です。

企画者:David H. Slater教授(上智大学)と小高麻衣子PhD(上智大学比較文化研究所共同研究所員)

David H. Slater, Ph.D.
Professor of Cultural Anthropology
Faculty of Liberal Arts, Graduate Program in Japanese Studies
Sophia University, Tokyo

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