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September 25, 2024

September 18 Free Lecture at Lakeland University Japan: "Irresistible: How Cuteness Wired our Brains and Conquered the World"

From: Roger Grabowski <grabowski@japan.lakeland.edu>
Date: 2024/09/04

"Irresistible: How Cuteness Wired our Brains and Conquered the World", presented by Joshua Paul Dale


This lecture (in English) will be held Wednesday, September 18 at 7:00 PM at Lakeland University in Ryogoku, Tokyo. It will also be streamed via Zoom.


Why are some things cute, and others not? What happens to our brains when we see something cute? And how did cuteness go global, from Hello Kitty to Disney

characters? Cuteness is an area where culture and biology get tangled up. Seeing something cute triggers some of the most powerful psychological instincts we have, but there is a deeper story behind its broad appeal. Joshua Paul Dale, a pioneer in the field of cute studies, explains the science of cute, the mysterious origins of animal domestication, and the role of kawaii in the future of cuteness.


Joshua Paul Dale is a Professor of American Literature and Culture at Chuo University and is the author of Irresistible: How Cuteness Wired our Brains and Conquered the World (Profile Books 2023). He has been living in Japan since the early 1990s. 

-To attend the event in person, there is no need to register. For a map and directions to Lakeland's Ryogoku campus, see our website: https://luj.lakeland.edu/contact

--To join on Zoom, please register here (before 5PM on the day of the event). You will be emailed a link that afternoon



Roger Grabowski, Jr.

Assistant Professor of General Studies

Lakeland University Japan

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