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August 8, 2024
KoMiReC Seminar - July 19 (Kobe University) - "Imagining Transborder Space: David Henry Hwang's Sci-fi Music Drama/Opera"
From: Spela Drnovsek Zorko <sdzorko@gmail.com>
Date: 2024/07/09
KoMiReC Seminar Series: "Imagining Transborder Space: David Henry Hwang's Sci-fi Music Drama/Opera"
Prof. Yamamoto Hideyuki(Kobe University, Graduate School of Humanities, Faculty of Letters)
Commentators:Prof. Nishitani Takuya(Kobe University, Faculty of Intercultural Studies, Dr. Larson Michael(Keio University, Faculty of Letters)
Date and time:July 19th, 2024, 17:00
Place: Kobe University, Tsurukabuto Campus, E401 - 大会議室(in person only)

Although not strictly required for participation, we warmly invite participants to register to the event through the following link: bit.ly/20240719-
See seminar details on the webpage: http://promis.cla.
Approved by ssjmod at 09:21 PM