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July 8, 2024

FINAL CALL for nominations: MJHA Book Prize and the Conroy First Book Prize

From: Nick Kapur <nickkapur@gmail.com>
Date: 2024/06/20

Dear colleagues,
As a friendly reminder, nominations for the 2025 editions of the Modern Japan History Association Book Prize and the F. Hilary Conroy First Book Prize are due by June 30, 2024. The 2025 prizes will honor books with a copyright date of 2023.
Publishers and MJHA members can nominate books here: https://mjha.org/Book-Prize
Each book only needs to be nominated once and will automatically be considered for both prizes (if eligible).
Please pass the word on to your contacts at academic publishers or to anyone whose book from 2023 deserves consideration!

Approved by ssjmod at 06:38 PM