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June 18, 2024
WIAPS Colloquium Series: June 25 (Tuesday) The politics of migration of 'Global Britain'
From: LE, Phuong Anh <lephuonganh@fuji.waseda.jp>
Date: 2024/05/28
Dear SSJ-Forum Members,
The Waseda Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies and the Waseda Institute of Asian Migrations would like to invite you to our talk on "The politics of migration of 'Global Britain'" by Professor Nando Sigona (University of Birmingham, UK).
The Waseda Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies and the Waseda Institute of Asian Migrations would like to invite you to our talk on "The politics of migration of 'Global Britain'" by Professor Nando Sigona (University of Birmingham, UK).
The seminar will be held in person at Waseda University and online via Zoom on June 25 (Tuesday) from 17:00-18:30 JST.
Registration is required for the event. Please check our website here for registration and more details about the event.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Best regards,
Anh Phuong Le
Approved by ssjmod at 01:45 PM