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June 18, 2024

(June 14) Symposium: State-Firm Relations and Economic Security: International Comparisons of U.S., China, EU, Australia, and South America

From: Akira Igata <igata@ip.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
Date: 2024/06/07

Dear All:

The Economic Security Research Program (ESRP) at RCAST, The University of Tokyo and Law & Geoeconomics will co-host a symposium, with the support of Helsinki Geoeconomics Week and the Embassy of Finland, titled "State-firm relations and economic security: International comparisons of U.S., China, EU, Australia, and South America."
This symposium will bring together economic security experts regarding the U.S., China, EU, Australia, and South America to compare how state-firm relations differ in regions around the world. I hope you capitalize on this rare opportunity to hear about how the state-firm relationship on issues related to economic security are managed in countries around the world.

Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation is provided. Pre-registration required.

Please note that if there are a large number of applicants, participants may be selected through a lottery.

"Economy security" has recently become a central issue of concern for governments and businesses around the world. Various governments have created new strategies, institutions, and tools to address these new challenges. However, the private sector involvement is critical in the effective implementation of these government policies.

Under these circumstances, the Economic Security Research Program (ESRP) at RCAST, The University of Tokyo and Law and Geoeconomics will convene a symposium titled "State-firm relations and economic security: International comparisons of U.S., China, EU, Australia, and South America", with the support of Helsinki Geoeconomics Week and the Embassy of Finland.

This symposium will bring together experts on economic security from the U.S., China, EU, Australia and South America to compare how state-firm relations differ in regions around the world, especially given the rise of economic security risks and opportunities. This will allow for the sharing of best practices as well as identifying potential areas of cooperation among countries.

【Date and Time】
June 14th (Friday), 14:00-16:00 (doors open at 13:15)

ENEOS Hall, Building #3-S, Komaba II Campus, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo
Address: 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8904 JAPAN

English (Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation will be provided)
US: Mireya Solís (Director, Center for Asia Policy Studies, The Brookings Institution)
China: William J. Norris (Director, Economic Statecraft Program, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University)
EU: Jens Hillebrand Pohl (Postdoctoral Researcher, Finnish Institute of International Affairs)
Australia: Darren Lim (Senior Lecturer, School of Politics and International RElations, Australian National University)
South America: Henrique Choer Moraes (Diplomat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil)
Akira Igata (Project Lecturer, RCAST, The University of Tokyo)

【Event Page】

【Registration form】

I will take plenty of time for Q&A - looking forward to seeing you all there!

Best Regards,
Akira Igata
Project Lecturer, 
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, 
The University of Tokyo
Tel: 080-7888-2435

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