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April 23, 2024

Japan Zoominar @ UC San Diego: "Japan Re-Emerges? - A Discussion of Ulrike Schaede's New Book" with Nobuyuki Oishi

From: Takashi Kiyoizumi (JFIT) <tkiyoizumi@ucsd.edu>
Date: 2024/04/15

Japan Zoominar @ UC San Diego: "Japan Re-Emerges? - A Discussion of Ulrike Schaede's New Book" with Nobuyuki Oishi
Wed, May 1, 8:00-9:00 am JST (Tue, Apr. 30, 4:00-5:00 pm Pacific)
Japan's economy is much stronger than is often thought, due to an ongoing strategic shift to focusing on "Japan Inside" input materials, components and machinery. Rather than decades of just stagnation, over the past 20 years, Japan's leading companies have undergone a quiet transformation (similar to the U.S. in the 1990s and early 2000s).


The results of this reinvention are now beginning to show, and the stock market already understands this. The slow pace of this transformation was (mostly) a matter of choice, and understanding this choice set and the tradeoffs involved helps pierce through Japanese corporate decision-making today. Professor Schaede's new book delivers this message to the Japanese audience, under the title "NEW Japan Management: Overcoming the Negativity Bias." Join Ulrike Schaede and Nikkei journalist Nobuyuki Oishi to hear more about this book and how Japanese readers are reacting to it.


Nobuyuki Oishi is a senior producer of Nikkei Inc. He has worked as a newspaper and television journalist for over 30 years, including as a newscaster at TV Tokyo and NIKKEI CNBC, and as Nikkei's Sydney Bureau Chief covering the South Pacific. Currently he is in charge of organizing art exhibitions. As a media artist himself, he presented an installation of future media at the Ars Electronica art festival in 2022 in Austria. He is the author of "イエロー・オーストラリア アジア化に揺れる豪州(Yellow Australia: Australia shaken by Asianization." Oishi attended UC San Diego's IR/PS (the precursor to GPS) in 1992-1993.
Ulrike Schaede is Professor of Japanese Business at the University of California, San Diego, School of Global Policy and Strategy. Her research focuses on Japan's changing business strategies, innovation, and corporate culture change. Books include "The Business Reinvention of Japan" (2020; in Japanese 「再興 THE KAISHA: 日本のビジ ネス・リインベンション」and  「シン日本の経営:悲観バイアスを排す」(2024, in Japanese only). She holds a PhD in Japan Studies and Economics from Marburg University, Germany, and has been invited to visiting professor and scholar positions in the U.S. and Japan, including at Hitotsubashi University and the research institutes of various private and government think tanks. All told, Professor Schaede has spent over nine years of research in Tokyo. She is a member of the advisory board of IGPI, Inc. and a research fellow and supporter of two startup incubators in Japan.
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