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February 15, 2024
CfP Japanese theoretical models and concepts
From: David Chiavacci <dachiava@hotmail.com>
Date: 2024/02/12
Call for Papers: Japanese theoretical models and concepts
Japan is undoubtedly one of the leading players in the global scientific community. However, at a theoretical level, there is still one-way traffic in the humanities and social sciences. While Western theoretical approaches and concepts are widely accepted and used in Japan, the influence and reception of Japanese theoretical models and concepts remains extremely limited.
In view of this situation, the editors of the next Japanese issue of Asian Studies (vol. 79, no. 3, 2025) would like to invite papers that present and discuss innovative theories originating from the Japanese humanities and social sciences and their potential contribution to academic discourses in the West.
Papers are accepted in English, French or German and will undergo a double-blind review before publication.
Submission deadline: 31 July 2024
Please submit your manuscripts through scholar one:
Style sheet:
Asian Studies / Asiatisches Studien / Études Asiatiques (De Gruyter)
Journal of the Swiss Asia Society
Please do not hesitate to contact the editorial team for further information.
Best regards
Claire-Akiko Brisset (claire-akiko.brisset@unige.ch
Simone Müller (simone.mueller@aoi.uzh.ch)
Raji Steineck (raji.steineck@aoi.uzh.ch)
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