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November 14, 2023

My new Book on Reviving Japanese Entrepreneurship

From: RICHARD KATZ <rbkatz@rbkatz.com>
Date: 2023/11/11

I'm proud to announce that, in late December, Oxford Univ. Press will publish my book on reviving entrepreneurship in Japan.

Just as a wave of entrepreneurship created Japan's postwar "economic miracle," so it will take a new generation of entrepreneurs to revive its stagnant economy. Fortunately, major social, economic, and technological changes are opening more opportunities than Japan has seen in a generation. Generational changes in attitudes are leading more talented people to create new companies. E-commerce is enabling tens of thousands of newcomers to bypass the traditional distribution system. Talented women denied promotion opportunities at traditional firms are flocking to the new firms. Three decades of low growth have shown the need for change.

Still, progress remains an uphill climb because of resistance by powerful forces within both big business and the government. But neither business nor the government is monolithic.

The contest among these forces will determine Japan's economic future

Moreover, OUP is offering a 30% discount on the hardcover edition for Substack subscribers, from $34.95 to $24.47. Even with a shipping charge that's still cheaper than Amazon, unless you have Amazon Prime. It will also be available on Kindle and other e-readers in December for $24.95. The paperback version will not be out until further down the road. The Japanese edition will be out next year.


Pre-orders are important because they encourage Oxford to expend more effort on marketing and to launch with a bigger print run. So, if you intend to buy the hardcover edition, please do so now. The book will be shipped to you as soon as it comes out.  


To order, click on https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-contest-for-japans-economic-future-9780197675106?q=katz%20and%20japan&lang=en&cc=us , then "add to cart" and then in the promotion code box ASFLYQ6 and click "apply." If you have any problem, please email me at rbkatz@rbkatz.com.


I hope you find this book as interesting to read as I found it to write.


Richard Katz

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