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October 10, 2023

GAS-Sumitomo Conference 2023 "Japan Studies in Asia (1): Approaches from History and Comparative Studies"

From: Global Asian Studies (GAS) <gas@ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
Date: 2023/10/05

Dear members of SSJ-Forum, 

We cordially invite you to GAS-Sumitomo Conference 2023 "Japan Studies in Asia (1): Approaches from History and Comparative Studies" on October 15th (Sun), 2023. This event will be held online. To join this event, please fill in the form below.   

GAS-Sumitomo Conference 2023 "Japan Studies in Asia (1): Approaches from History and Comparative Studies" 

Date and Time: October 15 (Sun), 2023, 14:00-17:00 PM (JST) 

Venue: Online via Zoom 

Registration: https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpc-urrzMrE9IMhqfCRm_Cs2CVz0SOPk2V

Language: English, Japanese 


14:00- Greetings  Hino Takatoshi (Executive Director, The Sumitomo Foundation)

Session 1 Heritage of Colonial Rule and History Recognition Issues (Japanese)

14:10- Lin Pei-hsin (National Taipei University) "Minoru Togo and the Construction of Modern Agricultural Survey System in Taiwan"

14:35- Park Kyungmin (Kookmin University) "Historical Issues of Korea-Japan Claims by Japanese Settler in Korea/Japanese Repatriate, 1945-1965"

15:00- Discussant: Madoka Fukuda (Hosei University)

Session 2 Comparing "Japan" and ASEAN (English)

15:25- Jo Ann Ho (Universiti Putra Malaysia) "A Comparative Study between Japan and Malaysia: Attitude and Willingness to Donate Organs"

15:50- Pauline Gidget Resterio Estella (Technische Universität Ilmenau) "Global Journalism Competence and Issues of Pedagogy"

16:15- Discussant: Mako Yoshimura (Hosei University)

16:40- Overall Discussion (English and Japanese)

Organizer: Global Asian Studies (GAS), The Sumitomo Foundation

Contact: gas[at]ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Best Regards,

GAS Initiative at Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo

Global Asian Studies (GAS) 

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