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June 15, 2023

[Symposium Invitation] Dante's visions from the Italian Middle Ages to modern Japan

From: Marco Pellegrini <marco@n.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
Date: 2023/06/09

Dear Members of the SSJ Forum,

my name is Lorenzo Amato, and I am an Associate Professor of Italian Language and Literature at the University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus. I am a specialist on the Italian Renaissance, and more recently on the relations between literature and the the arts.

I would also like to share information about a symposium on artistic representations of Dante's visions from the Italian Middle Ages to modern Japan, to be held this Saturday, the 10th of June. 

Please tell me if there is interest in this event, and in that case, I will send you more information, and the poster and links for participating (in person or via Zoom). 
Please also notify me if I need to provide more information about me and my research in general. 

Meanwhile I wish you a very good evening, and a productive new day tomorrow.
Sincerely Yours,

Lorenzo Amato
Italian Language and Literature
University of Tokyo, Faculty of Letters, Dept. of South European Languages

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