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June 27, 2023

【Reminder: GAS Lecture Series #2】 "New Directions in China Studies" (June 29, 2023)

From: Global Asian Studies (GAS) <gas@ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
Date: 2023/06/23

Dear members of SSJ-Forum, 

We cordially invite you to the 2nd GAS Lecture Series on June 29th (Thu), 2023.      

GAS Lecture Series #2 "New Directions in China Studies" 

Speaker: Xie Yu, Professor of sociology and China studies, Princeton University

Moderator: Shigeto Sonoda, Professor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo

Date and time: June 29 (Thu), 2023, 15:00 AM-16:30 PM (JST)

Venue: Main Conference Room (3F), Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo       

* This event will be held only in-person. To join this event, please fill in the form below.

Registration: https://forms.gle/Pt5xvLcAwC6R9ynUA

Language: English



In this lecture, Professor Yu Xie proposes that future research on China will benefit from integration with social science. Not only should China research adopt social science methods for utilizing empirical data, but it should also consider contemporary China as an internally heterogeneous subject. Using his own work on inequality in China as examples, Professor Xie demonstrates the social causes and consequences of the rise of inequality in the country.

Organizer: GAS Initiative

Contact: gas[at]ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Best Regards,

GAS Initiative at Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo
Global Asian Studies (GAS) 

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