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June 22, 2023
GRIPS: DX and Japan's Political Economy
From: Matthew Brummer <m-brummer@grips.ac.jp>
Date: 2023/06/18
The National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) presents:
"The Digital Transformation and Japan's Political Economy"
with Dr. Kay Shimizu, University of Pittsburgh
Date/Time: June 27, 18:30-20:00 JST
Venue: Zoom Webinar (registration link below)
Outline: The mid-21st century will be characterized by two huge disruptions: the massive demographic shift of ageing and shrinking populations in most industrialized economies, and the digital transformation with its introduction of autonomous systems, machine learning and ubiquitous inter-connectivity. This talk lays out how these two events are deeply interconnected through the issues of labor and employment, using Japan as a case study. The findings suggest a new model of economic development which builds on the paradigm shifts brought on by the digital transformation (DX).
More Information:
Matthew Brummer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, GRIPS
URL: www.grips.ac.jp/en
Website: www.matthewbrummer.com
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