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May 9, 2023

UNU Event Invite: 11 May & 15 May 2023

From: Takagi, Lisa <lisamari.takagi@unu.edu>
Date: 2023/04/28

Dear members of the SSJ-Forum, 

This is Lisa Takagi from the Office of Communications at UNU.

The United Nations University cordially invites you to two events. We also would be very grateful if you could disseminate this information among your students, faculty, colleagues, and the university about these events.   


Online Panel Discussion featuring UN Interns (public event)
Co-organized by UNU & WIPO Japan Office
Date/Time: 11 May  (Thurs ) 202318:00-19:30  JST

Co-organized by UNU & WIPO Japan Office
Panelists: Interns from UNU, WIPO Japan Office, UNFPA Tokyo Office, UNHCR Representation in Japan & UN Women Liaison Office in Japan

Format: Online 
Languages:  Japanese only 
*Advance registration is required (by 10 May).
Further info & registration details:

JP:  https://bit.ly/3Hhxwgx

Conversation Series Event:  
"Tech for Good? Do New Technologies Lead to Equity in Education?"

Date/Time: 15 May (Mon) 202318:30-19:30 JST

Guest: Ms Bettina Stark-Watzinger, German Federal Minister of Education and Research.
Venue: 2F Reception Hall at UNU Headquarters
Languages:  English only 
*Advance registration is required (by 14 May).
Further info & registration details:

ENG: https://bit.ly/440xLqh

JP: https://bit.ly/3Vi3FdN



We look forward to seeing you there! 

Best Regards, 

Lisa Takagi


Lisa Mari Takagi (
Japan Outreach Coordinator/広報・メディア コーディネーター担当
United Nations University /国連大学
Email: lisamari.takagi@unu.edu
URL: https://jp.unu.edu

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