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March 6, 2023
u:japan lecture: "The Yakuza in Extinction: Re(dis)ordering the Japanese Underworld" - Wolfgang Herbert
From: u:japan lectures : Department of East Asian Studies : University of Vienna <ujapanlectures.ostasien@univie.ac.at>
Date: 2023/03/03
Dear SSJ-Forum member,
the Department of East Asian Studies - Japanese Studies at University of Vienna would like to draw your attention to the upcoming hybrid u:japan lecture, held in German:
Wolfgang Herbert:
"Die Yakuza im Aussterben: Neu(un)ordnung der japanischen Unterwelt (The Yakuza in Extinction: Re(dis)ordering the Japanese Underworld)"
Date and time: Thursday, March 9, 2023, 18:30~20:00 (CET, UTC/GMT +1h)
The Zoom Meeting will be open from 18:15 (CET).
Max. 50 participants (on site) + max. 300 participants (online)
In this lecture, held in German, Wolfgang Herbert (Tokushima University) will use exemplary (auto)biographies to describe the milieu and living environment of the "hangure". The term hangure was coined by crime journalist Mizoguchi Atsushi for new criminal gangs: non-law-abiding citizens, non-yakuza, both "half" (han) and "run down" (from "gureru"), but only halfway. "Gure" can also stand for "grey" in gray area. They are loose, network-like, short-term, crime-focused purposeful connections, the police also speak of an "amoeba-like" structure. Most of these are small cells, but some hangures imitate the yakuza organizations in their pyramid-like structure, and gangs with several hundred members have been busted. The nationwide yakuza manpower has declined significantly in recent years. The lack of young people is striking. Cut-throat competition and generational change is happening on the criminal market, which is causing the yakuza to disappear more and more. In return, they experience a cinematic resurrection on Netflix, which the speaker will also briefly refer to.
This will be a hybrid event, both live at the Campus of the University of Vienna and online via Zoom. Live participation is available for 50 people.
For more information on the speaker, abstract of the lecture and future events of u:japan lectures, please follow the link below:
https://japanologie.univie.ac. at/ujapanlectures/
Please read the "Instructions and Netiquette" before joining the lecture at the bottom of the homepage.
LIVE @ Campus of the University of Vienna
Department of East Asian Studies, Japanese Studies
Seminarraum JAP 1, 2K-EG-21, Ground floor to the left
Spitalgasse 2, Hof 2.4 (Campus), 1090 Vienna, Austria
https://japanologie.univie.ac. at/index.php?id=23548#c646040
Join the lecture via Zoom (no registration necessary):
https://univienna.zoom.us/j/ 67461307884?pwd= MmRGTXFqVC80cjY5cnAzay9HZjhJdz 09
Meeting-ID: 674 6130 7884 | PW: 941132
We look forward to your participation!
With kind regards,
Florian Purkarthofer and Ralf Windhab
PS: If you missed a lecture or want to review, head to our recorded lectures section:
https://japanologie.univie.ac. at/ujapanlectures/records/
u:japan lectures
Department of East Asian Studies / Japanese Studies
University of Vienna
E-mail: ujapanlectures.ostasien@ univie.ac.at
the Department of East Asian Studies - Japanese Studies at University of Vienna would like to draw your attention to the upcoming hybrid u:japan lecture, held in German:
Wolfgang Herbert:
"Die Yakuza im Aussterben: Neu(un)ordnung der japanischen Unterwelt (The Yakuza in Extinction: Re(dis)ordering the Japanese Underworld)"
Date and time: Thursday, March 9, 2023, 18:30~20:00 (CET, UTC/GMT +1h)
The Zoom Meeting will be open from 18:15 (CET).
Max. 50 participants (on site) + max. 300 participants (online)
In this lecture, held in German, Wolfgang Herbert (Tokushima University) will use exemplary (auto)biographies to describe the milieu and living environment of the "hangure". The term hangure was coined by crime journalist Mizoguchi Atsushi for new criminal gangs: non-law-abiding citizens, non-yakuza, both "half" (han) and "run down" (from "gureru"), but only halfway. "Gure" can also stand for "grey" in gray area. They are loose, network-like, short-term, crime-focused purposeful connections, the police also speak of an "amoeba-like" structure. Most of these are small cells, but some hangures imitate the yakuza organizations in their pyramid-like structure, and gangs with several hundred members have been busted. The nationwide yakuza manpower has declined significantly in recent years. The lack of young people is striking. Cut-throat competition and generational change is happening on the criminal market, which is causing the yakuza to disappear more and more. In return, they experience a cinematic resurrection on Netflix, which the speaker will also briefly refer to.
This will be a hybrid event, both live at the Campus of the University of Vienna and online via Zoom. Live participation is available for 50 people.
For more information on the speaker, abstract of the lecture and future events of u:japan lectures, please follow the link below:
Please read the "Instructions and Netiquette" before joining the lecture at the bottom of the homepage.
LIVE @ Campus of the University of Vienna
Department of East Asian Studies, Japanese Studies
Seminarraum JAP 1, 2K-EG-21, Ground floor to the left
Spitalgasse 2, Hof 2.4 (Campus), 1090 Vienna, Austria
Join the lecture via Zoom (no registration necessary):
Meeting-ID: 674 6130 7884 | PW: 941132
We look forward to your participation!
With kind regards,
Florian Purkarthofer and Ralf Windhab
PS: If you missed a lecture or want to review, head to our recorded lectures section:
u:japan lectures
Department of East Asian Studies / Japanese Studies
University of Vienna
E-mail: ujapanlectures.ostasien@
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