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January 4, 2023
New article "Japanese New Left's Political Theories of Subjectivity and Ōshima Nagisa's Practice of Cinema"
From: Ferran de Vargas <ferranidus@gmail.com>
Date: 2022/12/23
Dear Colleagues,
With apologies for cross-posting, please allow me to announce you the publication of an article that I wrote for positions: asia critique about Ōshima Nagisa's cinema in relation to New Left political theories of subjectivity (shutaisei): https://read.dukeupress.edu/ positions/article-abstract/30/ 4/679/319866/Japanese-New- Left-s-Political-Theories-of? redirectedFrom=fulltext
Let me take the chance to thank the support from the Gregal research group led by Dr Blai Guarné at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. I am also grateful to Dr Chris Perkins from the University of Edinburgh for his invaluable advice during the completion of the article.
Ferran de Vargas
ALTER Research Group (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
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