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December 7, 2022
FFJ-Air Liquide Workshop "Can Robots Die ?" on 9 December
From: Michel Fabien <fabien.michel@ehess.fr>
Date: 2022/12/07
Dear SSJ members,
The Fondation France-Japon de l'EHESS is pleased to announce the FFJ-Air Liquide Workshop "Can Robots Die ?" to be held on Friday 9 December 2022.
Can Robots Die?
Possibilities and Limitations of Animism in Human-Machine Relationships
FFJ-Air Liquide Workshop
Can robots die? The common-sense answer is that only things that were once alive can be called dead. But if the distinction life/non-life is binary, then machines have a similar binary opposition between 'on' and 'off' states. The aim of this workshop is to approach the question of the death of the robot/machine/object pragmatically; that is, by foregrounding ethnographic and phenomenological perspectives over conceptual and theoretical concerns. Questions about animism usually revolve around beliefs, concepts of life and how a sense of aliveness is nurtured. But in everyday life, we often act as if machines and robots do have agency, intentionality, consciousness or other indicators of 'being alive', not in a consistent but in an ad-hoc manner. Furthermore, as Denis Vidal (2007) has shown in his work on "sub-anthropomorphism", the threshold of meaningful interaction with a non-human entity may not be based on any discernible human quality at all. A meaningful distinction could thus be made between 'behavioural animism', the acting as-if something does have a life or personhood, and 'ideological animism', an elaborated system or cosmology in which inanimate objects are considered to be alive. The discipline of social robotics, especially as it has been developed in Japan, has provided a methodological framework to ask such questions pertaining to animism of a broader range of objects/contexts, specifically those beyond the strictly controlled environment of the laboratory. By focussing on the question of death rather than life, I hope that we can access the problem of life in a recursive manner.
- 9 December 2022 | 13.00 - 17.30 (France Time)
- Online
- In French: Session 1 | In English: Session 2
- Speakers: Joffrey Becker(Collège de France), Paul Dumouchel(Ritsumeikan University), Agnès Giard(Paris-Nanterre University), Fabio Gygi(FJJ-Air Liquide Fellow, University of London), Sébastien Lechevalier(EHESS-FFJ), Denis Vidal (IRD, EHESS)
Contact: events_ffj@ehess.fr
Best regards,
Programme Manager "Innovation and Health"
Programme Manager "Innovation and Health"
Fondation France-Japon de l'EHESS
✆ (+33) 1 88 12 10 46 | Office C465
Campus Condorcet | 2, cours des Humanités 93300 Aubervilliers
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