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November 10, 2022

"Urban Form, Morphological Changes and Spatial Patterns of Perforation/Growth in Japan and France" (Monday November 14th, 2022 / 15:00-17:00 (JST) / Onsite)

From: Amira Zegrour <zegrour@mfj.gr.jp>
Date: 2022/11/10

Dear SSJ members,
The French Research Institute on Japan at the Maison-franco-japonaise is pleased to invite you to its next conference.

Urban Form, Morphological Changes and Spatial Patterns of Perforation/Growth in Japan and France

Monday November 14th, 2022 / 15:00-17:00 (JST)
Room 601 of the French Research Institue on Japan at the Maison franco-japonaise
3-9-25, Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0013

Highly urbanized countries around the world are increasingly concerned with demographic decline or stagnation, a situation often leading to urban shrinkage. Yet, urban shrinkage is hardly studied from a morphological point of view. Urban shrinkage is indeed mostly studied in relation to population dynamics rather than changes in urban form. This talk is divided into three parts. First, we focus on the spatial structure and form of the contemporary Japanese city (case studies of Osaka and Kobe). Second, the morphological evolutions of the buildings within the very same area and the substitution of building types over time are discussed in relation to demographic changes. Building types in France are then briefly compared to the buildings types in Japan. Finally, the talk concludes with an analysis of the spatial patterns of urban perforation and growth (cases studies of Chiba Prefecture in Japan, and the Var department in southern France).

Speaker: Joan PEREZ (UMR ESPACE-CNRS, Côte d'Azur Univ., Nice, France)

Moderator: Guillaume LADMIRAL (FRIJ- MFJ)

Register at: https://www.mfj.gr.jp/agenda/2022/11/14/perez/

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