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November 30, 2022

UNU Event Invite - 7 December 2022

From: Takagi, Lisa <lisamari.takagi@unu.edu>
Date: 2022/11/25

Dear members of the SSJ-Forum,

The United Nations University cordially invites you to an upcoming installment of our Conversation Series events.

Please find the information for the event below:

On 7 December, UNU will host "Cutting Through the Noise: How the UN is Building Trust in an Age of Disinformation". Melissa Fleming will join UNU Head of Communications Kiki Bowman for a conversation exploring how the United Nations is reshaping its communications strategy, particularly in response to new media trends, current global crises, and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Date/Time: Wednesday, 7th December 2022 , 18:30-19:30 JST
Guest: Melissa Fleming, UN Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications
Event Title: "Cutting Through the Noise: How the UN is Building Trust in an Age of Disinformation"
Venue: 1F Annex Space at UNU Headquarters in Tokyo
Languages: English
Registration: Advance registration is required (6 Dec)
For further information, including registration info, please visit:

ENG: https://unu.edu/events/upcoming/cutting-through-the-noise-how-the-un-is-building-trust-in-an-age-of-disinformation-a-conversation-with-melissa-fleming.html#overview

JP: https://jp.unu.edu/events/upcoming/cutting-through-the-noise-how-the-un-is-building-trust-in-an-age-of-disinformation-a-conversation-with-melissa-fleming.html#overview

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the registration or about the events.

Thank you and we are looking forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

Lisa Takagi

Lisa Mari Takagi (高木梨早)
Japan Outreach Coordinator/広報・メディア コーディネーター担当
United Nations University /国連大学
Email: lisamari.takagi@unu.edu
URL: https://jp.unu.edu

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