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November 30, 2022
"Local Energy Governance. Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable and Decentralised Energy in France and Japan" (Friday December 9th, 2022 / 18:00-20:00 (JST) / Online)
From: Amira Zegrour <zegrour@mfj.gr.jp>
Date: 2022/11/28
From: Amira Zegrour <zegrour@mfj.gr.jp> Date: 2022/11/28
Dear SSJ members,
The French Research Institute on Japan at the Maison-franco-japonaise is pleased to invite you to its next conference.
This conference is based on the publication of a new book at Routledge publisher, dedicated to a comparison of local energy governance issues in France and Japan. It aims to examine the extent of the energy transition taking place at a local level in France and in Japan, two countries that share ambitious targets regarding the reduction of GHG emissions. The two speakers, who are also the editors of the book, look on local energy policies and initiatives and apply an institutional and legal analysis to help identifying barriers but also opportunities in the development of renewable energies in local territories. On a more general level, they try to interrogate local energy and environmental transition issues in France and in Japan.
Magali DREYFUS is a CNRS' Researcher based at the Center for European Research on Administration, Politics & Society at Lille University (France). Her research focuses on issues of decentralization and management of local public services, as well as on the environmental and energy activities of local authorities, particularly through the subject of climate change.
Aki SUWA is a Professor at the Faculty of Contemporary Society of Kyoto Women's University, as well as an Instructor at the College of Policy Science at Ristumeikan University (Kyoto, Japan). Her research focuses on how environmental understanding facilitates policy formulation, and how this influences the degree of the policy implementation on the ground.
Brieuc MONFORT is an associate professor at the Faculty of Foreign Studies of Sophia University (Tokyo, Japan). Previously, he was an economist at INSEE and at the Ministry of Finance (2001-2004). He was also a financial adviser in Japan, South Korea, and Australia, as well as deputy director of the economic section at the Treasury Department of the French Embassy in Japan (2009-2013).
Moderator: Raphaƫl LANGUILLON (FRIJ-MFJ)
Organisation: FRIJ-MFJ
Please register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/ webinar/register/WN_ InYvp2WLSZ2QyPNWDOlbXQ
The French Research Institute on Japan at the Maison-franco-japonaise is pleased to invite you to its next conference.
Local Energy Governance. Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable and Decentralised Energy in France and Japan
Friday December 9th, 2022 / 18:00-20:00 (JST)
Magali DREYFUS (CNRS), Suwa Aki (Kyoto Women's Univ.)
Disussant: Brieuc MONFORT (Sophia Univ.)
This conference is based on the publication of a new book at Routledge publisher, dedicated to a comparison of local energy governance issues in France and Japan. It aims to examine the extent of the energy transition taking place at a local level in France and in Japan, two countries that share ambitious targets regarding the reduction of GHG emissions. The two speakers, who are also the editors of the book, look on local energy policies and initiatives and apply an institutional and legal analysis to help identifying barriers but also opportunities in the development of renewable energies in local territories. On a more general level, they try to interrogate local energy and environmental transition issues in France and in Japan.
Magali DREYFUS is a CNRS' Researcher based at the Center for European Research on Administration, Politics & Society at Lille University (France). Her research focuses on issues of decentralization and management of local public services, as well as on the environmental and energy activities of local authorities, particularly through the subject of climate change.
Aki SUWA is a Professor at the Faculty of Contemporary Society of Kyoto Women's University, as well as an Instructor at the College of Policy Science at Ristumeikan University (Kyoto, Japan). Her research focuses on how environmental understanding facilitates policy formulation, and how this influences the degree of the policy implementation on the ground.
Brieuc MONFORT is an associate professor at the Faculty of Foreign Studies of Sophia University (Tokyo, Japan). Previously, he was an economist at INSEE and at the Ministry of Finance (2001-2004). He was also a financial adviser in Japan, South Korea, and Australia, as well as deputy director of the economic section at the Treasury Department of the French Embassy in Japan (2009-2013).
Moderator: Raphaƫl LANGUILLON (FRIJ-MFJ)
Organisation: FRIJ-MFJ
Please register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/
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