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November 23, 2022

2nd Cycle - 2nd Session of INNOVCARE Webinars on 30 November 2022

From: Michel Fabien <fabien.michel@ehess.fr>
Date: 2022/11/22

Dear SSJ members,

The Fondation France-Japon de l'EHESS is pleased to announce the 2nd Session of the second cycle of webinars for the project "Care-led innovation: The case of elderly care in France and Japan" (INNOVCARE) to be held on Wednesday 30 November 2022, 9am to 11am (France) / 5pm to 7pm (Japan).
We will have two presentations from:
  • Quitterie Roquebert (Strasbourg University) - Informal care at old age at home and in nursing homes: determinants and economic value
  • Yasuhiro Nakanishi (Nara Medical University) - Forecasting the Regional Distribution of Home Care Patients Using Big Data of Insurance Claims in Japan: 2015 to 2045
The next Webinar will be held on January 2023 (Program coming soon).
You can find further information about the INNOVCARE Project on our website
Looking forward to "see" you soon in our webinars!

Best regards,

Programme Manager
"Innovation and Health"
Fondation France-Japon de l'EHESS
(+33) 1 88 12 10 46 | Office C465
Campus Condorcet | 2, cours des Humanités 93300 Aubervilliers

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