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October 26, 2022

Webinar GEPJ - X. Mellet "An Inquiry into Youth Political Participation in Japan" October 28, 2022 (17:00-19:00 JST)

From: Ioan Trifu <ioan.trifu@gmail.com>
Date: 2022/10/21

Dear list members,

Our apologies for cross-posting.

The French research group on State and Politics in Japan (GEPJ) is very pleased to announce its next seminar (in English):

Xavier Mellet (Waseda University)

will be giving a talk titled

"An Inquiry into Youth Political Participation in Japan"

Date, Time: October 28th (Friday), 10:00-12:00 (CEST, UTC +2:00) / 17:00-19:00 (JST)

You are all cordially invited to this event.

The seminar poster is available for download at:


The seminar will take place online via Zoom: please contact Arnaud Grivaud (arnaud.grivaud@u-paris.fr) to register and obtain the link.

We look forward to welcoming you !

All the best,

Ioan Trifu (INALCO)

Arnaud Grivaud (Paris City University)

Xavier Mellet (Waseda University)

Ioan TRIFU (ヨアン・トリフ)
Politique au Japon (https://seiji.hypotheses.org/)

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