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October 4, 2022
Oct. 6 (Th), 8-9 PM ET: JPOSS #32, Reo Matsuzaki & Fabian Drixler, "The Politics of Omote and Naishō"
From: Fujihira, Shinju <sfujihira@wcfia.harvard.edu>
Date: 2022/10/01
Dear Colleagues,
Please join us for the next Japanese Politics Online Seminar Series (JPOSS) session:
U.S. ET: Oct. 6 (Thu), 8-9 PM
JST: Oct. 7 (Fri), 9-10 AM
Event page (with paper): https://jposs.org/event/matsuzaki-2022-10-6/
Zoom registration: https://harvard.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEoceusqTgtGtfAEt5wqzXWHJpOT3fVEp4v
"The Politics of Omote and Naishō: Performative Compliance and Spaces of Impunity in Meiji Japan" (paper attached)
Authors: Reo Matsuzaki (Trinity College) and Fabian Drixler (Yale University)
Discussants: Iza Yue Ding (University of Pittsburgh), Dan Mattingly (Yale University)
Chair: Charles Crabtree (Dartmouth College)
We look forward to your participation!
Best wishes,
Shinju Fujihira, Ph.D. (he/him/his)
Executive Director, Program on U.S.-Japan Relations
Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (WCFIA)
Harvard University
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