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October 26, 2022

Connecting Africa and Asia. Afrasia As a Benign Community - Roundtable - 7 November 2022

From: Caliaro Celine <celine.caliaro@ehess.fr>
Date: 2022/10/21

Dear SSJ members,

The Fondation France-Japon de l'EHESS and the Center for Africa-Asia Contemporary Culture Studies (CAACCS) of Kyoto Seika University are pleased to invite you to the roundtable " Connecting Africa and Asia. Afrasia As a Benign Community" on November 7th (Monday), from 10:30 to 12:30 (Paris time), 18.30 to 20.30 (Tokyo time).

Connecting Africa and Asia. Afrasia As a Benign Community

Roundtable on the new book Connecting Africa and Asia. Afrasia As a Benign Community (Routledge, 2022) with the author Yoichi Mine (Doshisha University, Kyoto)

By the 22nd century, according to current demographic projections, African and Asian societies will constitute more than 80% of the world's population, in roughly equal proportion. Yoichi Mine, Professor of Global Studies at Kyoto Doshisha University, discusses these projections and puts them in historical perspective in order to conceive the conditions of existence of a semi-global entity, designated as Afrasia. If the history bears witness to numerous forms of exchange of commodities and ideas between these two regions of the world, notably through the values and norms of Islam, it remains to conceive the conditions for the continuation of multilateral, inter-religious and inter-linguistic dialogues that will allow for the continuation of an "inoffensive community", in its internal evolutions and in its relation with the rest of the world.

After an introduction by the author, the discussion will be conducted in English. The analyses and proposals of the book will be commented by Kae Amo (Kyoto Seika University, CAACCS) (TBC), Mohamed Belhadj (EHESS, CCJ-CéSor), Eloi Ficquet (EHESS, CéSor), Sakiko Nakao (Kyoto Seika University, CAACCS), Yana Pak (EHESS, CETOBAC), and Mayuko Yamamoto (EHESS, CESPRA). The CAACCS team will be participating by videoconference.

  • 7 November 2022 | 10.30 - 12.30 (Paris time), 18.30 - 20.30 (Tokyo time)
  • Onsite: Campus Condorcet - Centre de colloques (Room n°3.03, 3rd floor) - Place du Front populaire 93300 Aubervilliers
  • In English
  • Participants: Kae Amo (Kyoto Seika University, CAACCS) (TBC), Mohamed Belhadj (EHESS, CCJ-CéSor), Eloi Ficquet (EHESS, CéSor), Yoichi Mine (Doshisha University), Sakiko Nakao (Kyoto Seika University, CAACCS), Yana Pak (EHESS, CETOBAC), Mayuko Yamamoto (EHESS, CESPRA)
That event is organized by the Fondation France-Japon de l'EHESS (FFJ) and the Center for Africa-Asia Contemporary Culture Studies (CAACCS) of Kyoto Seika University, in the framework of the research group "Seeing the world in 'triangulation".

This roundtable is organized in connection with the international conference "Knowledge and Know-How Situated: Humanities and Social Sciences and the World" held at Campus Condorcet, 2022 Nov. 8-10. To see the program click here.

Best regards,

Programme Manager "Cities and Mobilities"
Fondation France-Japon de l'EHESS
01 88 12 03 32 | Office C465
Campus Condorcet | 2, cours des Humanités 93300 Aubervilliers

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