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September 8, 2022
Call for applications: Research Grants in Contemporary Japanese Studies for PhD Candidates at Nordic Universities
From: Marie Tsujita Stephenson <marie.tsujita@swedenjapan.se>
Date: 2022/09/06
Call for Applications, 2023 PhD Research Grants in Contemporary Japanese Studies
We are sending this information to your organization, as suggested by Dr. Kamila Szczepanska of the Centre for East Asian Studies at the University of Turku. Please forward this information to your network, if it is relevant.
The Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation, with funding from The Nippon Foundation, is offering PhD Research Grants in Japanese Studies for the year 2023. Applicants must be registered as a PhD student at a university in one of the Nordic countries (Danmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden), and working on contemporary Japanese Studies.
The deadline for applications is October 31, 2022.
See application information at https://sjsf.se/japanese-studies-grants/japanese-studies-phd-research-grants-2023/
See application information at https://sjsf.se/japanese-
A pdf-document containing a summary of the information regarding the PhD Research Grants is also attached to this email, should you wish to post the notice on a bulletin board.
Thank you very much for forwarding the information, if it is relevant to your activities.
Marie Tsujita Stephenson
Program Manager Japanese Studies
Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation
Marie Tsujita Stephenson
Program Manager Japanese Studies, Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation
Information Secretary, Sweden-Japan Foundation
Information Secretary, Stipendiestiftelsen för studier av japanskt samhällsliv
telephone: +46-(0)8-611 6873
email: marie.tsujita@swedenjapan.se
Approved by ssjmod at 02:01 PM