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August 19, 2022

August 24: Briefing on North Korean Prison Database at the University of Tokyo Komaba campus

From: Akira Igata <igata@ip.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
Date: 2022/08/06

Dear SSJ members:
Rule-making Strategies Lab at RCAST, the University of Tokyo and the Korea Future are pleased to invite you to the briefing event on the North Korean Prison Database (NKPD), an archive of the human rights violations and atrocities that have transpired in the North Korean penal system. This will be an in-person event at the University of Tokyo Komaba campus on August 24 (Wednesday), from 13:30-15:30.
Korea Future will share the main findings of the investigation that took place between March and November 2021. Korea Future conducted 259 in-person interviews with North Korean exiles in South Korea and documented 148 penal facilities, over 5,000 violations, 785 detainees, and 597 perpetrators. This event will detail the ongoing commission of egregious human rights violations by the North Korean state within the broader framework of justice and accountability. Furthermore, a detailed image of the investigated penal facility will also be showcased.
[Event Title]
Briefing event on the North Korean Prison Database (NKPD)

[Event Date & Time]
August 24th, 13:30 - 15:30 (Tokyo time)
[Event Location]
ENEOS Hall, 1st Floor, Building 3-S Komaba II Research Campus, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology The University of Tokyo 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8904 JAPAN
*This is an in-person event with no web-based participation.


[Event Agenda]
13:30 - 13:40 Opening Remarks (Akira Igata, Project Lecturer, RCAST, The University of Tokyo)
13:40 - 14:10 NKPD General Overview & Penal Facilities (Hae Ju Kang, Co-Director, Korea Future)
14:10 - 14:40 International Human Rights Law Violations, Detainees, and Perpetrators (Jiwon Kim, Investigator, Korea Future)
14:40 - 15:10 3D Model & Accountability (Suyeon Yoo, Co-Director, Korea Future)
15:10 - 15:20 Q&A Session
15:20 - 15:30 Closing Remarks (Akira Igata, Project Lecturer, RCAST, The University of Tokyo)

[Registration link]

Best Regards,
Akira Igata
Project Lecturer
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
The University of Tokyo

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