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July 14, 2022

July 21 Free Lecture at Lakeland University: "Hayama, 1952/2022: Charles Junkerman's Photographs, 1952-1953"

From: Roger Grabowski <grabowski@japan.lakeland.edu>
Date: 2022/07/08

This lecture (in English) will be held Thursday July 21 at 7:00 at Lakeland University in Ryogoku, Tokyo. It will also be streamed via Zoom.

"Hayama 1952/2022: Charles Junkerman's Photographs, 1952-53", presented by John Junkerman

Charles Junkerman arrived in Japan in 1952 as a doctor in the US Navy. He started taking pictures of life around him as he and his family settled into a house in the seaside town of Hayama. He took hundreds of photos of fishermen, farmers, and matsuri festival goers. His son, Tokyo-based filmmaker John, recently published these photos into a book. Join us as John Junkerman discusses his father's photos and the fascinating history behind them.

--To attend the event in person, there is no need to register. For a map and directions to Lakeland's Ryogoku campus, see our website: https://luj.lakeland.edu/contact

**Our in-person guests are asked to follow the usual masking and social-distancing health protocols

--To join on Zoom, please register here (before 5PM on the day of the event). You will be emailed a link that afternoon

Lakeland Lectures are a forum for researchers, students and members of the public to discuss contemporary issues affecting Japan. Lakeland University has offered a U.S.-accredited liberal arts program in Tokyo since 1991. Lakeland's main campus is in Wisconsin, USA and was founded in 1862.

Roger Grabowski, Jr.
Assistant Professor of General Studies
Lakeland University Japan

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