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July 7, 2022

The JMSDF Iwakuni Air Base: An Introductory Overview - 11 July webinar

From: John Bradford <johnfbradford@gmail.com>
Date: 2022/06/03

SSJ Friends,

I'm very pleased to share details about another Community Conversation webinar. On 11 July a JMSDF officer will discuss the history and significance of the Iwakuni Air Base.

Best regards,


The JMSDF Iwakuni Air Base: An Introductory Overview
July 11th, 2022 at 19:00 (Japan) / 11:00 (London) / 15:30 (New Delhi) / 18:00 (Singapore) / 20:00 (Sydney)

YCAPS & the Sasakawa Peace Foundation are pleased to announce the next event in the Community Conversations seminar series in Iwakuni. This event will feature CDR Mariyo Murakami. CDR Murakami (Leader of Flight Division 811,Air Electronic Warfare Squadron 8) will discuss the history and significance of JMSDF Iwakuni Air Base and give an overview of the contemporary role of the Air Base as part of the US-Japan Alliance.

This event will be a webinar. Future Community Conversations events will be held in person so long as health and safety conditions permit.

Please use this link to join via Zoom.

CDR Mariyo Murakami, is the leader of Flight Division 811, Air Electronic Warfare Squadron 81. CDR Murakami was born in 1982, graduated Japanese National Defense Academy in 2005, then commissioned through Maritime Officer Candidate School. In summer 2018, CDR Murakami was a student in the Maritime Self Defense Force Command and Staff Course. As part of a group of ten volunteer students, CDR Murakami translated "Contemporary Military Theory: The Dynamics of War" by Jan Angstrom and J.J.Widen. CDR Murakami took charge of chapter 4: Operational Art. The translated edition was published in 2021 in Japan. CDR Murakami also argued the title of "England's indirect approach on the cradle in Anglo-Spanish War: The Netherland expedition lead to win on the battle of Armada" in the Command and Staff Course.

Format: This event will be off-the-record.
Moderator: Jeff Mazziotta
Registration: Required via this link.
Co-Sponsor: Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF)
Webinar Cost: Free of charge

Approved by ssjmod at 05:39 PM