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June 29, 2022

Yoshizaki webinar - Ukraine War's Impact on Extended Deterrence: Implications for USFJ. July 14th,

From: John Bradford <johnfbradford@gmail.com>
Date: 2022/06/28
SSJ friends,
Please join YCAPS in welcoming Dr. Tomonori Yoshizaki for a 14 July YCAPS-SPF Community Conversation webinar: The Ukraine War's Impact on Extended Deterrence: Implications for USFJ
Best regards,
John Bradford
YCAPS Executive Director

The Ukraine War's Impact on Extended Deterrence: Implications for USFJ
July 14th, 2022 at 1900 (Japan)

YCAPS & the Sasakawa Peace Foundation are pleased to announce the return of the Community Conversations seminar series in Yokota. The inaugural event will feature Dr. Tomonori Yoshizaki. Dr. Yoshizaki will discuss how the war in Ukraine may impact US-Japan bilateral coordination including extended deterrence not only in Europe but also USFJ and the Indo-Pacific.

This event will be a webinar. Future Community Conversations events will be held in person so long as health and safety conditions permit.

Please use this link to join via Zoom.
Dr. Tomonori Yoshizaki is the current Vice President for Academic Affairs, National Institute of Defense Studies. Previously, he served as the Director of Policy Simulation, National Institute of Defense Studies. Prof. Yoshizaki is a renowned expert in the areas of alliance management, European security and NATO, Japan's peace operations, conflict resolution, and peacebuilding.

Format: This event will be off-the-record.
Moderator: Jeff Mazziotta
Registration: Required via
this link.
Co-Sponsor: Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF)
Webinar Cost: Free of charge

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