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June 16, 2022

[SSJ: 11864] Winter Programs 2022, Call for Participants, Partners & Researchers, Basel, Switzerland

From: elmas.alparslan <elmas.alparslan@ipdinstitute.ch>
Date: 2022/06/13

Winter Programs 2022

On behalf of*Institute for Peace & Dialogue, we would like to inform you about the next Winter Programs in Basel, Switzerland.

Applicants can choose between the 3rd Winter Academy (8 - 16 December, 2022) and the 3-Month Research Program (8 December, 2022 - 6 March, 2023) which may be combined with the 3rd Winter Academy participation depending on the applicants` desire and filled application.

Participants will have access to expert knowledge and hands-on experience as all our facilitators are specialists with years of experience academically and professionally in their respective fields. This is truly a great opportunity not to be missed to get or refresh the knowledge, skills and create new worldwide friendship and networks.

We would appreciate if you could forward Winter Program call to your interested colleagues and friends.

The summer programs call is also available online at


5 September, 2022 for Early Bird Application Deadline

1 November, 2022 for Late Application Payment Deadline

3rd Winter Academy Daily Program

- 8 December, 2022: Arriving Day of Participants

- 9 & 10 December, 2022: 2 Whole Class Days by Ms. Sibylle Rupprecht from Switzerland
Day 1 Topic: Ethical Leadership - the great reset after the pandemic and vector of peace
Day 2 Topic: Advocacy & Communication Including practical exercises

- 11 December, 2022: *No Class Day

- 12 & 13 December, 2022: 2 Whole Class Days by Ms. Anna Shevchenko from UK
Day 1 Topic: Culture in the Global World
Day 2 Topic: Intercultural mediation - trends and methods; Reconciliation across cultures - discussion

- 14 & 15 December, 2022: 1 Whole & 1 Half Class Days by Dr. Martin Geiger from Canada
Day 1 Topic: Global Mobility and Refugee Flows: Old and New Challenges in a Post-COVID-19 World
Day 2 Topic: Humanitarian Assistance

- 16 December, 2022: Departure Day of Participants

Participation Fee Includes

- Accommodation (9 Days / 8 Nights)

- Two Meals per class day (Breakfast & Lunch expenses included in the fee)

- Course & Stationary Materials (Badge, File, Notebook and Pen)

- Free WiFi

- Program Fee

- Certificate

- Cables and adapters

- 2 times Coffee-Tea breaks per class days

- Invitation Letter


Scholarship & Discount

- 10% discount for Alumni of IPD programs

- 10% discount for paying together with group of participants (More than 2 person)

- 10% discount for Annual*ProPeace*Members (For Registration please visitwww.ipdinstitute.ch <http://www.ipdinstitute.ch>)

Participation Options in Winter Programs 2022 (Please state in your email which following type of participation you wish)

- As Participant

- As Guest Participant

- As Researcher

- As Presenter

- As Sponsor: Benefits for Sponsors & Call for Sponsors for 2022 - 2023 https://www.ipdinstitute.ch/Contact-Us/Our-Sponsors/

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us atfhuseynli@ipdinstitute.ch

Other Useful Programs 2022-2023

- 13th Summer Academy
I Session: 2 - 7 August, 2022
II Session: 7 - 14 August, 2022
I + II Session: 2 - 14 August 2022

Application & Payment Deadline: 1 July, 2022
Venue: Basel, Switzerland
- Visitor Researcher Program, VRP: 2022-2023
Program Period: 3 - 12 Month (On Campus or Online)
Program Starts: Upon request & Individual Base
Venue: Basel, Switzerland

- 3 Month Executive Diploma Program 2022
I Module Choice: Leadership, Human Resources Management, Coaching & Project Management
II Module Choice: Peacebuilding, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Mediation, Conflicts Management, International Security & Law
Program Starting Choice: 30 September, 2022 for Winter Program & 31 March, 2023 for Spring Program
Application Deadline: 10 August, 2022 for Winter Program & 10 February, 2023 for Spring Program
Scholarship Deadline: 10 June, 2022 for Winter Program & 1 December, 2022 for Spring Program
Duration: 30 September, 2022 - 26 December, 2022 for Winter Program & 31 March - 30 June, 2023 for Spring Program
Program Venue: Basel, Switzerland
Language: English
Daily Class Hours: 09.00 - 16.00 Class Days: MO, TU & WE
Accommodation: Shared or Single rooms available upon request Study Type: On Campus

- Customer Base & Personal Development Training Programs 2022
Please visit the following page for regularly update on various events

Best wishes,

Fakhrinur HUSEYNLI
Institute for Peace and Dialogue (IPD)
Address: Ryffstrasse 23,
4056 Basel, Switzerland
Cell / Whatsap: +41764316170

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fakhrinur-huseynli-574776223/ <https://www.linkedin.com/in/fakhrinur-huseynli-574776223/>

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If you have any problem to contact with us via your office email, then please try to write us via online contact form or via your personal email or via Skype and inform your IT Department about the technical problem.

Approved by ssjmod at 03:15 PM