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June 23, 2022

Okinawa in Japan's Paradoxical Security Policy and Politics - 22 June webinar w/ Tsuneo Watanabe

From: John Bradford <johnfbradford@gmail.com>
Date: 2022/06/21

SSJ Friends,
Please join YCAPS in welcoming Tsuneo Watanabe for another Sasakawa Peace Foundation special event!
Okinawa in Japan's Paradoxical Security Policy and Politics
June 22nd, 2022 at 1900 (Japan) / 0600 (D.C)

YCAPS & the Sasakawa Peace Foundation are pleased to announce the return of the Community Conversations seminar series in Okinawa. The inaugural event will feature Mr. Tsuneo Watanabe. Mr. Watanabe has observed Japanese security policy and politics as a researcher in both US and Japanese thinktanks for decades. He will discuss the history of Japanese security policy and politics in the context of the US military facility in Okinawa.

We will also be joined by Lieutenant General Wallace C. Gregson, Jr. (USMC Ret.), who will join us as a discussant and give remarks after Mr. Watanabe finishes his talk.

This event will be a webinar. Future Community Conversations events will be held in person so long as health and safety conditions permit.

Please use this link to join via Zoom.

Tsuneo "Nabe" Watanabe is a senior fellow of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, an independent policy research organization in Tokyo. In October 2016, Watanabe joined the Sasakawa Peace Foundation after serving a senior fellow and a director of foreign & security policy research at the Tokyo Foundation in 2009 to 2016. He served a senior fellow at the Mitsui Global Strategic Studies Institute in Tokyo in 2005 to 2009. In 1995, Watanabe joined Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C. He served a visiting research scholar, research associate, fellow and senior fellow until 2005. He is currently adjunct fellow of the CSIS.

His publications include "The World Order after 2021: 20 Angles of the International affairs" [in Japanese] (Shinchosha, 2020), "Asia Pacific Countries and the US Rebalancing Strategy" [co-authored with David W.F. Huang et.al.] (Palgrave Macmillan US, 2016), "NATO and Asia Pacific"[co-authored with Alexander Moens and Brooke A. Smith-Windsor et.al.](NATO Defense College, 2016), "Are the US and China Trading Places in 2025: History Tells the Truth of the US-China Relations" [in Japanese] (PHP Research Institute, 2011). Watanabe received his D.D.S. from Tohoku University in Japan and his M.A. in political science from the New School for Social Research in New York.

Lieutenant General Wallace C. Gregson, Jr., retired from the Marines in 2005. He last served as the Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Pacific; Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific; and Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Bases, Pacific, headquartered at Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii. He previously served as Commander III Marine Expeditionary Force and Commander Marine Corps Bases Japan. Following retirement from the Marine Corps he joined the US Olympic Committee as Chief Operating Officer. In 2006 he formed his own consulting company. On 13 May 2009, following Senate confirmation he assumed responsibility as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs, a post he held until 1 April 2011. He is now in business as President of WC Gregson &amp; Associates.

Format: This event will be off-the-record.
Moderator: Jeff Mazziotta
Registration: Required via
this link.
Co-Sponsor: Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF)
Webinar Cost: Free of charge

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