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March 23, 2022
[SSJ: 11789] u:japan lecture: "Ukrainian Diaspora in Occupied Manchuria: Articulating the Needs for the Independent State (1932-1945)" - Olga Khomenko (KMBS)
From: Bernhard Leitner <b.m.leitner@gmail.com>
Date: 2022/03/18
Dear SSJ-forum list member,
the Department of East Asian Studies - Japanese Studies at University of Vienna would like to draw your attention to the upcoming *u:japan lecture*:
*Olga Khomenko**
**"Ukrainian Diaspora in Occupied Manchuria: Articulating the Needs for the Independent State (1932-1945)"*
Date and time: Thursday 2022-03-24, *18:30**~**20:00*(CET, UTC/GMT +1h)
The Zoom Meeting will be open from 18:15 (CET).
This lecture by Olga Khomenko (National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy) is based on a book called "The Far Eastern Odyssey of Ivan Svit" published in Ukraine last December and telling a story of forgotten 100 000 people Ukrainian diaspora in Manchuria and its leader, Ivan Svit (1897-1989), a forgotten Ukrainian journalist, editor, historian, and social activist.
This will be a *hybrid event*, both live at the Campus of the University of Vienna and online via Zoom. Live participation is available for a limited number of 50 people. For more information on live participation (FFP2-mask; proof of test, recovery or vaccination), speaker, abstract of the lecture and future events of *u:japan lectures*, please follow the link below:
https://japanologie.univie.ac.at/ujapanlectures/ <https://japanologie.univie.ac.at/ujapanlectures/>
Please read the "Instructions and Netiquette" before joining the lecture at the bottom of the homepage.
Join the lecture via Zoom Meeting:
Link: https://univienna.zoom.us/j/64542868392?pwd=aHcxYWdaTk9Md1JtU29PN2duV2hCdz09 <https://univienna.zoom.us/j/64542868392?pwd=aHcxYWdaTk9Md1JtU29PN2duV2hCdz09>
Meeting-ID: 645 4286 8392
PW: 092217
We are looking forward to host you!
With kind regards,
Bernhard Leitner and Florian Purkarthofer
PS: If you missed a lecture or want to review, head to our recorded lectures section: https://japanologie.univie.ac.at/ujapanlectures/records/
*u:japan lectures*
Department of East Asian Studies / Japanese Studies
University of Vienna
E-mail: ujapanlectures.ostasien@univie.ac.at
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