« [SSJ: 11778] Japan Zoominar @ UC San Diego: "Shibusawa Eiichi's Legacy and Japan's 'New Form of Capitalism,'" with Patricia L. Maclachlan and Robert A. Feldman | Main | [SSJ: 11780] [WEBINAR] Explicating the evolution and limits of Japan's Asylum Policy »
March 17, 2022
[SSJ: 11779] u:japan lunch lecture: "Urban Migrants in Rural Japan: Between Agency and Anomie in a Post-growth Society" - Susanne Klien (Hokkaido Dai)
From: Bernhard Leitner <b.m.leitner@gmail.com>
Date: 2022/03/11
Dear SSJ-forum list member,
the Department of East Asian Studies - Japanese Studies at University of Vienna would like to draw your attention to the upcoming *u:Japan lunch lecture*:
*Susanne Klien
**"Urban Migrants in Rural Japan: Between Agency and Anomie in a Post-growth Society"*
Date and time: Thursday 2022-03-17, *12:30**~**14:00*(CET, UTC/GMT +1h)
The Zoom Meeting will be open from 12:15 (CET).
In this virtual lecture, Susanne Klien (Hokkaido University) will argue that the Lehman Shock in 2008, the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 and increasingly harsh conditions of the job market have set the path for a new role of rural areas as experimental grounds for innovative projects.
For more information on speaker, abstract of the lecture and future events of *u:japan lectures*, please follow the link below:
https://japanologie.univie.ac.at/ujapanlectures/ <https://japanologie.univie.ac.at/ujapanlectures/>
Please read the "Instructions and Netiquette" before joining the lecture at the bottom of the homepage.
Join the lecture via Zoom Meeting:
Link: https://univienna.zoom.us/j/63355798325?pwd=V2s2V2dDbW5DQTd4TUpVTlFkVHJJZz09 <https://univienna.zoom.us/j/63355798325?pwd=V2s2V2dDbW5DQTd4TUpVTlFkVHJJZz09>
Meeting-ID: 633 5579 8325
PW: 806491
We are looking forward to host you!
With kind regards,
Bernhard Leitner and Florian Purkarthofer
PS: If you missed a lecture or want to review, head to our recorded lectures section: https://japanologie.univie.ac.at/ujapanlectures/records/ <https://japanologie.univie.ac.at/ujapanlectures/records/>
*u:japan lectures*
Department of East Asian Studies / Japanese Studies
University of Vienna
E-mail: ujapanlectures.ostasien@univie.ac.at
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