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March 10, 2022

[SSJ: 11770] u:japan hybrid lecture: "They Heard it Through the Grapevine: Rumour Spreading, Poisonous Knowledge and the Political Ecology of Hauntings in Contemporary Japan" - Andrea De Antoni (KyoDai)

From: Bernhard Leitner <b.m.leitner@gmail.com>
Date: 2022/03/04

Dear SSJ-forum list member,

the Department of East Asian Studies - Japanese Studies at University of Vienna would like to draw your attention to the upcoming *u:japan lecture*:

*Andrea De Antoni
**"They Heard it Through the Grapevine: Rumour Spreading, Poisonous Knowledge and the Political Ecology of Hauntings in Contemporary Japan"*

Date and time: Thursday 2022-03-10, *18:30**~**20:00*(CET, UTC/GMT +1h)
The Zoom Meeting will be open from 18:15 (CET).

In this virtual lecture, Andrea De Antoni (Kyoto University) will propose a situated and relational approach for a political ecology of rumours. He will show that, while rumours about ghosts in contemporary Japan share generalized connections with "poisonous knowledge" such as memories of unsettled deaths or discrimination, the "poisonous-ness" of such knowledge varies greatly according to the networks through which rumours spread. He will argue that rumours partake in processes of formation and othering of neighbourhoods and localities, for their agency relies not only on acts of telling, but also on the material aspects of the environment.

This will be a *hybrid event*, both live at the Campus of the University of Vienna and online via Zoom. Live participation is available for a limited number of 50 people, registration on site is necessary. For more information on live participation (FFP2-mask; proof of test, recovery or vaccination), speaker, abstract of the lecture and future events of *u:japan lectures*, please follow the link below:

https://japanologie.univie.ac.at/ujapanlectures/ <https://japanologie.univie.ac.at/ujapanlectures/>

Please read the "Instructions and Netiquette" before joining the lecture at the bottom of the homepage.

Join the lecture via Zoom Meeting:

Link: https://univienna.zoom.us/j/67672933280?pwd=VkViS2RabWdpZ05mTGlmTXBRSVJ2Zz09 <https://univienna.zoom.us/j/67672933280?pwd=VkViS2RabWdpZ05mTGlmTXBRSVJ2Zz09>
Meeting-ID: 676 7293 3280
PW: 783739

We are looking forward to host you!
With kind regards,
Bernhard Leitner and Florian Purkarthofer

PS: If you missed a lecture or want to review, head to our recorded lectures section: https://japanologie.univie.ac.at/ujapanlectures/records/

*u:japan lectures*

Department of East Asian Studies / Japanese Studies

University of Vienna

E-mail: ujapanlectures.ostasien@univie.ac.at

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