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February 16, 2022

[SSJ: 11731] Special Issue "Japanese cinema in the 1960s"

From: Ferran de Vargas <ferranidus@gmail.com>
Date: 2022/02/04

Dear colleagues,

The special issue /Japanese cinema in the 1960s/, edited by Blai Guarné (Autonomous University of Barcelona) and Ferran de Vargas (Open University of Catalonia)//has been published in the journal /The Sixties/: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rsix20/14/2?nav=tocList

The issue contains the following articles:

Blai Guarné and Ferran de Vargas: "Japan's long 1968 cinema: resistance, struggle, revolt."

Julia Alekseyeva: "'Self-revolutions of everyday life': the politics of ATG"

Marcos P. Centeno-Martin: "1968 and rural Japan as a site of struggle. Approaches to rural landscapes in the history of Japanese documentary film."

Patrick Noonan: "An avant-garde of the mind: Oe Masanori and psychedelic cinema in the global Sixties"

Manuel Garin: "Comedies of resistance: Shuji Terayama and the politics of visual humor."

We hope you enjoy it!

Approved by ssjmod at 03:21 PM