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February 2, 2022
[SSJ: 11723] Special issue on "The multifaceted relations between Europe and Japan - taking stock and building the future"
From: Patrik Ström <Patrik.Strom@hhs.se>
Date: 2022/01/28
Dear colleagues,
Please consider contributing to this special issue on EU-Japan relations.
Best regards,
Patrik Ström
/University of Tartu Asia Centre and the European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics/
Special issue on "The multifaceted relations between Europe and Japan - taking stock and building the future"
The relationship between Europe and Japan has a long history in several fields. There are historical ties through trade and cultural exchange and many European countries have had close collaboration through visiting scholars in a cross-disciplinary setting. Over the years these relationships have been developed and reinforced through globalization of both trade and cultural and political exchange. Research and education has also grown to be a strong area of collaboration between Europe and Japan. With the development of the EU and the single market, interest has grown from Japanese industry to locate business operations within the market. In recent years, the relationship between the EU and Japan has also been strengthened through the conclusion of both the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA). Through both agreements, the foundation is set for development of the relations in a wider disciplinary context.
On this backdrop this is a call for papers for a special issue in the journal TRAMES; A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, published by the Estonian Academy, which is covered in Scopus (https://www.resurchify.com/impact/details/5600152962 <https://www.resurchify.com/impact/details/5600152962>). It is a joint call by the University of Tartu Asia Centre and the European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS), Stockholm School of Economics. The call for papers is open to scholars working with issues in relation to the EU-Japan relationship and encourages submissions from both the social sciences and humanities. Through the multi-disciplinary approach, the special issue aims to develop both conceptual and empirical contributions of the multifaceted relationship. With both the EU and Japan as important champions of a rules based world order, the future collaboration between these important economic and political actors will also have repercussions on the global scene. Hence the contributions that have a disciplinary anchoring with Japan as a study area are encouraged. Submission will go through a double-blind review process to select a number of contributions for the special issue and follows the editorial guidelines of TRAMES, (https://kirj.ee/trames/).
The special issue welcomes contributions (but is not limited to) to the following fields.
* European trade and business relations with Japan
* EU trade and investment with Japan and East Asia
* Sustainability through the lens of the green economy in EU - Japan
* Perceptions of the West or EU in Japan
* Innovation and entrepreneurship triggered by EU - Japan relations
* Role of culture in marketing and economic cooperation between the EU
and Japan
* Organizations and organizational/management culture in Japan
* Marketing in Japan
* International relations focusing on relation building and political
Submissions for consideration and evaluation should be sent to the main editor of the special issue, Patrik Ström at the European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS), (patrik.strom@hhs.se <mailto:patrik.strom@hhs.se>). Deadline for submission is 31 May 2022.
Patrik Ström, PhD
European Institute of Japanese Studies
Stockholm School of Economics
Approved by ssjmod at 01:14 PM