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January 19, 2022

[SSJ: 11709] Webinar at CSGJ, University of Toronto | Jan 27th 7-8:30pm (EST) / Jan 28th 9-10:30am (JST) | China's Growing Power and A New Era for the US-Japan Alliance

From: Centre for the Study of Global Japan <csgj.munk@utoronto.ca>
Date: 2022/01/18

Greetings from the Centre for the Study of Global Japan (CSGJ) at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto! We would like to share and invite you to our upcoming webinar. Please find more information and registration details below. Thank you!

*Title: *China's Growing Power and a New Era for the US-Japan Alliance

*Date & Time: *Jan 27th 7:00-8:30pm (EST) / Jan 28th 9:00-10:30am (JST)

*Speakers: *Jennifer Lind (Dartmouth College); HIKOTANI Takako (Gakushuin University); MORI Satoru (Hosei University); Andrew Oros (Washington College); Phillip Lipscy (University of Toronto)

*Description: *Dartmouth College's Initiative for Global Security and the Centre for the Study of Global Japan at the University of Toronto are pleased to co-host an expert discussion of how the US-Japan alliance should adapt to the rise of Chinese power and a changing Indo-Pacific. Speakers will discuss emerging challenges to the US-Japan alliance, and to what extent the alliance is responding (technologically, politically, and militarily) to these challenges.

Registration Link: https://munkschool-utoronto-ca.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5alQlwrNROuDkPbRAW2h3g

More information: https://munkschool.utoronto.ca/csgj/event/31256/

Thank you!

Best Regards,


*Mio Otsuka */(She/her)/**
Events and Program Coordinator
Centre for the Study of Global Japan
Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy | University of Toronto
1 Devonshire Place | Room 327N
Toronto, ON M5S 3K7
Office: 416-946-8972
Email: csgj.munk@utoronto.ca <mailto:csgj.munk@utoronto.ca>
Web: Centre for the Study of Global Japan <https://munkschool.utoronto.ca/csgj/>
Twitter: @CSGJ_Munk <https://twitter.com/CSGJ_Munk>

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